After 12 patrols I couldn't get it
Trying first of Crota now
At 38 sword kills
No husk :(
Edit: took me 107 tries but I got it Thursday night.
Necro Lmao
Got three by doing this method. Once BWI and SC start appearing on the right of the screen like a raid drop instead of the little pyramids dropping... Your getting close to getting it. All three of my husks were like that
i got 3 lol
RNG sucks i got it on my second sword and i wasnt even looking for it... kinda like banks when you need money they dont have anything for you but when you dont they are all over you!
Took me like 30 tries
I'm not even getting wax drops
I got it last night, is it any good?
Keep on keepin on, I got from that mission last night , you'll get it.
What's revive when u use the embalming orb on the husk? I'm working on the circle around cannibalism just got it half way round
Does it matter if you have completed the mission already?
Keep grinding. I had to do it a butt load of times. My friend joins me and got it first try;
I just got mine at the first of crota level. 11 attempts total. I was not using black wax idol. 4/6 people in my chat party also got the husk after about 10-20 attempts on fist of crota mission.
I got it after 8 kills. Then I killed another one on patrol and got a second husk of the pit. So lucky
Just got it tonight... doing moon patrols & bounties... If you get it, better carry a LOT of ammo... it goes thru it fast, whether you shoot short bursts or full auto... not too powerful (yet) but fun to use... I've got to go lookup details on what it upgrades to... sure looks a lot easier than the 9 or 10-step exotic bounties for the exotic weapons... of course I'll need to rank up to buy the upgrade material...
Gave up and was just running around. "Hi sword dude" dead *item pop* "HUSK OF THE PIT BABY!" Remove my freshly earned Monte Carlo for Husk of the Pit.
Turn on black wax idols
Keep trying, juat got mine after 20 min. Dont need to pop wax Dont need to be 30 or 31 It is pure RNG.
I'm well above 50 now. This is kind of blows