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Edited by The Cellar Door: 12/16/2014 5:00:03 AM

[Social Experiment] Abortion vs Euthanasia

I support both


I support neither


I support abortion, but not euthanasia


I support euthanasia, but not abortion


Hello all! A couple of my recent social experiments have been based around religion, so I figured I would try to move away from it to switch things up. (Yes I realize reasoning for saying "no" may be derived from religious belief, but the question itself is not of religious belief, and they are not mutually exclusive.) So the questions I pose are multitiered, because simple questions are for communists: [b]Do you support Abortion? Do you support Euthanasia? Why/why not for each? [u]For those who support one and not the other,[/u] what is the distinction between the two that causes disagreement? [u]For those who support both,[/u] would you say that agreeing with one, causes you to agree with the other? [u]For those who support neither,[/u] what about human life makes it so significant that it shouldn't not be tampered with, even in undesirable situations? [/b] For clarification: [spoiler] [u]Abortion[/u]- [quote]The ending of a pregnancy by the [forced or natural] removal of the fetus/embryo from the womb before it is able to survive on it's own[/quote] [u]Euthanasia[/u]- [quote]Intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering; "merciful death" caused by another individual; "distinguishing euthanasia from intentional killing simpliciter is the agent's motive: it must be a good motive insofar as the good of the person being killed is concerned"[/quote] [/spoiler] If you are confused with either of the terms, please ask before you vote/comment, I fully realize the definitions I provided for both, especially euthanasia, are pretty vague. Simple copy/pastes from wiki in the case that you didn't know the terms previously. Oh and every time you vote in a poll and don't comment, a puppy freezes to death on a porch. Save the pooch, love the pooch. EDIT: You may be confused by the term "euthanasia". Just an FYI, it is not JUST physician-assisted suicide, and is illegal in many more places than abortion. ALSO, [b]"pulling the plug" is NOT Euthanasia, that is allowing the body to die on it's own, euthanasia is actually causing the body to die before it would on it's own.[/b]

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  • For me, euthanasia only pertains to animals being put down. For the most part, this is because the animal is deemed to dangerous for human interaction, or because it has been in the pound for too long. why we can't simply release the animals into the wild is beyond me. Yes they were bred for domestication, but that doesnt mean their only chance at life is as our pet. I support abortion up to a certain point, because oftentimes, abortion is only considered either when the parents would be incapable of supporting their child, or when the conception of the would be child is without the mother's choice (r@pe, failed contraceptives, stuff like that). Also, there are too damn many people on this planet. The earth cannot naturally support the billions of people that currently live on it.

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    1 Reply
    • Lolololololoolllo everyone on the forums is a religious nut s;cum bag

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      • I believe in youth in Asia. No way could they all be old.

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      • Seeing that every religious poll leads me to believe that the vast majority of the 12-18 year olds on this forum are Christian...I'm extremely surprised at the results of this poll. Wait no I'm not, because christians are hypocritical and retarded.

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        5 Replies
        • Edited by Mad Max: 12/22/2014 7:48:19 PM
          Absolutely both. For abortion, a mother has the right to do what she wants with her body, especially if the is unwilling or unable to care for a child. For euthanasia, I think people have the right to end their suffering, especially if they are terminally ill. Yes, I do believe that supporting one usually corresponds to supporting the other. They're pretty similar.

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        • My grandfather died recently, he had dementia and cancer. He didn't remember anyone about four weeks ago and was constantly in pain. The hospital kept him alive just so that they could charge us more for the medical bill. I support euthanasia, he could have gone out peacefully, but instead he died babbling incoherently and pissing himself, just so we gave them more money

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          2 Replies
          • In extreme circumstances, I can support both. Abortion only when the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother. Euthanasia only when the subject has no hope of recovery, and would otherwise suffer a drawn-out death.

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            • To ends of the same spectrum one is the choice to take a life before it has begun and the other is helping a person end the life they have lived for X amount of years. While not religious I do believe life is precious as there is and only ever be one of you so in the instance of a child/Fetus I do not support abortion unless said Fetus would lead a bottom of the barrel life and have almost absolutely no quality of life. Euthanasia I can sympathise with the participant has led their years of life and come into a stage where life is no either not worth living or to painful to continue if they are fully cognitive and no what they are requesting then sure it's their life if they no longer wish to live that is their choice.

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            • Edited by cxkxr: 12/22/2014 5:24:08 PM
              I support euthanasia for the same reason I support assisted suicide, consent of the life involved. Which is why I oppose abortion. However some cases of euthanasia, like a specific case recently in the UK, the mother convinced the judge that her mentally disabled daughter would be better dead than live a hard life. The child could not consent to this due to her disability, but the mother and the state carried on to kill her. What they did is they didn't give her any food or water, until she died of starvation or dehydration. She suffered a slow and painful death that lasted two-weeks, yet some people call the mother a hero. If she has the nerve to kill her own daughter, hand her a gun and do it humanely herself, -blam!-ing cowards.

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            • Edited by GiantDad: 12/22/2014 5:17:17 PM
              I support both, with the following exceptions: [b]Abortion[/b]: Parents considering abortion must be aware of the psychological consequences of abortion a child. (If I kept my child they would be this old/doing this, etc.). [b]Euthanasia[/b]: Doctors should not be forced into the situation if they do not wish to euthanize their own patient. There must be no foreseeable alternative or cure for the patient, and a guarantee of death.

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            • When the poll results add up to 99% 59 23 4 13

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              3 Replies
              • I support abortion, but idk about euthanasia. I'd be afraid that people who could possibly recover may end up losing their lives because of a lack of hope. In elderly people in their last days of life though, I think it would be okay. Only if there is no chance whatsoever of a recovery though, and if they're in extreme pain.

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              • Given the certain circumstances for both, these methods would benefit greatly. [b][u]Abortion:[/u][/b] A normal woman, wearing non-flashy clothes and minding her own business, is caught and… you know what happens next. Pregnancy tests show positive, but she does not want to claim the child of a rapist. No one does. Abortion would help to rid the fetus of the rapist, and everyone would be happy! [b][u]Euthanasia:[/u][/b] One user mentioned that their grandfather was suffering a mental illness that caused him to forget everything and do things, and the hospital kept him alive just so they could charge them more money. Ending the life of a loved one early would alleviate the stress of those hospital bills.

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              • Very touchy subject, I for one believe that if we can kill innocent babies, why not people who can't be bothered to tough it out for a few years?

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                6 Replies
                • Surprise Euthanasia or consented perfectly justified and permitted by the victim?

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                  2 Replies
                  • .........*cries in a corner*

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                    2 Replies
                    • This planet is already overpopulated. I support both.

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                      5 Replies
                      • Anastasia? Terrific movie.

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                      • I think both of them are entirely situational and the outcome of each individual case should be decided by the people it directly affects, not the law.

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                        3 Replies
                        • I don't necessarily see them as the same issue in honesty, despite supporting them both

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                          2 Replies
                          • Both. Mercy Killing and Horrible mistakes. Simple, sweet, to the point.

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                          • I reckon we can kill them up until they are 1 years old. [spoiler]There is enough people in this world. [/spoiler]

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                            4 Replies
                            • First off, There's this really good book out there called Unwind and I think it pertains quite a bit to this poll. Everybody should read it if you have time. Now to my answer for the poll, I supported Euthanasia but not abortion, barring some cases. Euthanasia should include a person's informed, sane consent, so I don't have a problem with it. However, abortion is preemptively ending someone's life in most cases, so I can't support it if people took the risk of pregnancies to fulfill their desires and pleasures. In -blam!- cases, abortion should be allowed, but I'm not subsidizing that through government healthcare. I will support orphans through government taxes though. The difference for me is somebody wishing to die, and the other is somebody deciding a child should never exist, and nobody can speak for another.

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                              2 Replies
                              • I support freedom of choice, it's their body they deserve the right to do with it as they please.

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                              • I don't understand what Japanese teenagers have to do with this discussion.

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                                2 Replies
                                • I would never use either myself, but I won't stop others from doing so.

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