originally posted in:DoD The Unknown Ps3
I am "managing" a regular group of 6 to 8 raid team for Friday nights. Looking to improve on team roles and team communication. We try to start around 9:30 CDT, 10 CDT at the latest. Watch the roster, as of late it has change a bit so new teammates are sometimes needed. Happy Hunting Little Light!
PENDING Roster : 09-11-15
PENDING Raid: NM Crota
1: pwstr007 aka Phil
2: Monark
3: Miabucman aka Kevin
4: Deacon_Blue
5: Aye_Sloth
ALT 2: cd_bacon_13
ALT 3: Ganre
ALT 4: jnapaman
ALT 5: Zombie4011
ALT 6: nprx17
ALT 7: Miabucman aka Kevin
NOOB, JBriggs, DyslexiaBoy, yourblindspot, Nolanism, hp22776
I'm up to run some raids. I can run relics and sword.
We on for Friday? Thinking flawless raider try Crota NM.
Going to put this group on hold till we can get Monark and Deacon through a 35 before the Triumph ends. We will try and sneak a raid in sometime during the week if we can.
With September coming at us fast I will be working on trying to help monark and Deacon through poe 35 this Friday. If the rest of you would like to link up and make a run this Friday I will help organize it. OR like everyone keeps pushing make a match up on the 11 site. So until next Friday little lights.
How does HM VoG sound? I think that we have a few that need Fatebringer and Timepeice still.
I'll run this Friday if you need a 6th.
Add me. I will do raids weekly on fridays with you guys!
ITS WEDNESDAY!!! who is in for Friday and what raid?
Heather, guessing you have moved on to the 4?
And now, iiiiiiIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTS TTTTTTTTTTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEE! Fighting out of the red corner wearing multi sharders if the Friday Nights Raid team. Weighing in at who knows what cause, well its a space fight and I dont know the conversion factor. Fighting out of the blue corner, wearing I dont know cause that is what is up for debate. Let me know what everyone would like to do. I still need stuff from HM VoG and both Crota raids so I am up for either.
Sign me up as an alt. I've never raided before, but am looking forward to the opportunity.
Cancelled on account of IB. We'll pick it back up next week. Till then, have fun storming the castle little lights.
Looking for three to run Crota HM tonight.
Its Mittwoch again, time to let me know who we have and which raid you want/need.
Who's running what class tonight?
looking for one more for Friday. First reply is in.
Okay by popular demand the raid is on for Friday. Speak and let me know if you are in it to win it. We can run which ever HM is needed so that we can all be legends.
Bump. Throw my name onto the roster for Friday night, Phil! You know that you want to lead the raid on Friday night............
Okay so Friday is the drinking challenge day. Unfortunately I will not be able to partake in the festivities. We are having people over pretty much all weekend for the holiday. If anyone is still interested post up and I will help with making it happen for y'all.
hb22776 will be there tonight.
Just an FYI it looks like we will be defending our title of drunken raider against the PS4 crew. Start priming that liver for Jul 3rd. Rules by Briggs will be linked at a later date. And FYI they raid drunk all the time so we will need the A game brought.
I don't know what the plans are for tonight, but I would really like to get into some PoE. I don't know how much I'll be on over the weekend, and I'd like to get a couple of 32's and at least one 34 down as well. I know that it's only a 3 person activity, but that's where I cast my vote. What does everyone else think?
Monday Night Mayhem! We're going to finish this up tomorrow night, right? I'm going to throw a wrench in the gears here. I was running my Warlock on Friday, but when we go in tomorrow I'm bringing my Hunter, and I'm running the sword. Why? Why not! Monark, you bring one of your other toons to start as well. I will dispatch Crota in short order (or completely suck), and then we'll swap back to your Hunter and drop in again. I'll even bring my Titan the second time around and I'll do the Boomer Dance. There's the real answer to the "Why?", double Crota drops! It's like using a VoG Gorgon's checkpoint, but more entertaining, and I get some more sword time. Now I know some of you only have one toon (glares at Miabucman), and therefore will not benefit from running it twice, but it's called "taking one for the team". Hell, if Garrett hasn't done Crota this week you could even grab his Warlock for the second run. Or I'm sure we could find some one to drop into a Crota checkpoint. Whatever works.
Can you mark me down for next week's raid? As a noob
Well here it is, Wednesday. That time little lights. Speak up for your slot regs and by tomorrow I will fill in whatever slots are open.