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Edited by Knight Raime: 1/6/2015 4:30:20 PM

Crota's end glitch collection

The point of this thread is to make aware of all known current glitches possible in the new DLC raid crota's end. The reason I am posting this information is because I want crota's end to be a true raid. It already has the potential to be a better raid then VoG. This one requires MUCH more communication and punishes you harder for mistakes. I want everyone who gets the loot from the raid to feel like they earned it. Instead of the quality being deminished because people just cheesed it. First glitch: It is possible to cheese the second part with the totems and the big bridge. One way is to use a warlock fireborn at the last second when everyone else is dead. This despawns all enemies besides the sword knight. The warlock will then res everyone else. This glitch allows you to spawn the enemies needed to shoot on the other side to trigger the rewards/checkpoint. Here is a video for proof: It is also possible to cross the bridge VIA launching yourself from a totem and sword dancing across. As long as you don't sword dance near the bridge the "swordless bane" debuff won't happen. You can also do this with the knights sword with the other classes. Video with proof: Another bridge glitch: Glitch 3: Crota's end crota boss fight. It's called the "forever kneeling" glitch. Basically you have the host of the game leave while crota is going down. For whatever reason this makes Crota stay in his downed state until he is killed. You can re invite the host back to the game so he can receive the loot. Video link with proof: Second glitch: This involves the last part of the raid. Fighting crota. There is 2 ways to get around the no health regen. The first involves a sunsinger resing after everyone else dies before the timer runs out. Proof: The second method involves dupping the chalice. You can have up to five so someone with be without. Proof: Easy bridge glitch: Easy solo abyss glitch: this video is a compilation. But I grabbed it to show you how to easily solo the beginning area in the raid. I did not include the 2 spots for getting out and on top of crota's end because I don't see any potential harm with either. The only harm I could see is if you could somehow make it back far enough to the door that has the second chest and get inside. If That is possible and I find a video i'll post. Until then these are the only glitches I am aware of. And yes If my team struggles with any of these parts we will glitch. I encourage everyone else to do so as well. The more publicity these glitches get the faster they can be fixed. I'm pretty sure the reason hard mode is not possible for a month is so they have ample time to fix any exploit. Neither they nor many others want another Vex mythoclast incident. So spread the word and glitch away. Lets make this raid truly hard. EDIT: It appears my thread went from being helpful to being trash talking. I was merely trying to be helpful. I wasn't trying to state that the bugs are any less important then the exploits. I'm making this edit for 2 things. One to state that me not playing the raid yet doesn't change anything. And that 2 because of request I will re edit this post later on if it's still around to ALSO show the current known bugs. Feel free to make a neat list for me to copy and paste. Oh and if you are just going to flame me i'm ignoring and reporting from here on out. Have a wonderful day. EDIT 2. Here is a list of known bugs currently in Crota's end. Thanks to those who posted them here for me. CROTA'S END BUGS: -crota will occasionally jump down to the first level from his platform -crota will sometimes stand back up as soon as he kneels in one sweet motion of sword carrier death -knights will give 0 fvcks about that barrier while crota spawns -sometimes there is a gatekeeper on the 3rd level (right above where you spawn) -sometimes the sword disappears when you try to pick it up -sometimes the over soul will be banished then 2 seconds later kills everyone -ogres sometimes spawn after the first sword is used (they are supposed to come after 2 swords) -Experienced crota regen shields while being shot -Crota not dropping when shields are gone -Picking up the sword on the Crota fight and having it completely disappear -a Knight walking through the invisible wall at the start of the fight -The ir yut part, there's been a few times when the shriekers wouldn't spawn. -Swordbearer does not drop sword upon death -Minor glitch but on the second phase when building the bridge it says the bridge is complete, when it is not, it completes a few seconds later. Sorry If I missed any. Will update OP with more bugs or exploits as time goes by. Big thanks for everyone who actually didn't flame me or make harsh assumptions of me and stayed on topic. Nice to see this community still has a nice side. edit 3: Added a new exploit to the list. Edit 4: Added 2 new exploits. EDIT 5: Added another way to handle the bridge via exploit. It's under the first glitch section.

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  • Why would you want to fix the stuff that makes us get loot easier? Who cares how we got it. We have it now so lets use it. That is a humans natural nature. Except it. You are just saying this without a real reason. Stop. Take down this post please. I don't want the raid to become stupidly hard.

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    10 Replies
    • Edited by xXx G3TZUM xXx: 12/20/2014 4:55:02 PM
      Bump. Gad to see the glitch list and the discussion from both sides. My vote is fix the glitches so I don't have to waste time trying to find a group that doesn't want to glitch it. It takes less time with a good group to just mow through CE than it does to go through all of the glitch bs. On the flip side, it's nice to know that if bungie did a shitty, buggy, job on the upcoming hard mode we'll all still get our gear....

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    • so who wants to do the last part?? lol

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    • While the "bugs" should be fixed, the ways to more easily do portions of the raid..what is the big deal, so people actually decide to use their brain to solve something a different way, big deal. Its called strategy. Just because you don't want to use your brain and want to follow every little rule and do things only one way, doesn't mean its wrong to do it a different way.

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    • You are a terrible person and did this simply to piss people off. Wow.

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    • Good deal. Completing the raid is completing the raid... just because people found a way doesn't make it a cheese. Having said that... why do you think they delayed the hard raid until January? It's a hidden beta phase man... They are watching how people are winning. They are recording the bugs/cheese/exploits... They already added artificial difficulty by raising the level... and they are adding fixes and mechanics to make it as hard as possible. I can't wait! Keepem coming! I want to be in the top 5%

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    • They need some damn beta testers. My team and I found a lot of these bugs on our first couple hours of the boss fight. Wtf is wrong with this company ?????

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    • It's already ruined, and ruined the dlc. 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎

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    • When Crota moves towards us and we shift sides, if someone goes through the middle, Crota will wedge himself in the doorway and do his famous stretch Armstrong slash to get the guardian inside.

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    • Bungie fix this crap before hard raid. And also raise the level on gear in hard mode when released. Not fair that people cheeze to get raid gear from Crota. Give the better legit guardians there level 33 gear in hard mode.

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    • They should just focus on fixing the bugs that kick player out of games. Or adding more content. You know, the things that'll make everyone happy, not just a few

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    • I'm pretty sure if you don't take the first swordbearer in an allotted time ogres spawn instead of the second sword!

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    • The Ir Yut phase with shriekers not spawning. Shriekers do not spawn until the deathsong starts. It's possible to kill all the adds/mobs upstairs along with the 2 wizards without starting the deathsong, so running in gives the illusion of a glitch due to the lack of shriekers. To make them appear, simply attack the mobs down below and the deathsong will start, spawning in the shriekers.

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    • Sometimes the ogres will not spawn at all, and after a minute or so they will just magically appear in the center of the stage. This has happened to my team twice.

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      • in my opinion, glitch if you want or dont. they have made it very clear that even if you dont glitch, they will end up giving you stuff in the end that is better and stronger anyway. how many people here did vog for weeks on hard (cheesed or not) just to get the head piece on hard to try and be lvl 30, only to be disappointed to see that you could buy gear to go up to and beyond lvl 30 after the expansion??? truth is, they seem to have set a pattern. there will be cheesers, grinders, elites, and such. everyone plays the game in their own way. why should it be "fixed" or "patched" just because you saw a youtube video about how people did the vog with only two people or soloed crota. i think that should reflect skill, dedication, and persistence in defeating and quite possibly mastering a raid. the classic "you mad bro" seems fitting for this post. ive done things both legit and cheesed. when i am in the mood to really play and have fun with friends, ill do it legit. when i dont have time for it, ill cheese. more often than not (considering i may be the unluckiest person for drop rates from raids, engrams, crucible, and beyond...thats a different rant)...i like to play legit. when someone finds a cheese, i think that its awesome that they even came up with the idea or randomly found it like that. i do not care for punctuation and proper capitalization but i do speak honestly here and thats probably why you are reading more. the most annoying thing to me is not having control over xur and what he sells and how often he sells. i was not fortunate enough to own this game before the icebreaker was being sold. people constantly waving around their icebreakers like oh you dont have one...well i would if i could get a drop for once in my game on crucible or nightfall or weekly heroics but you know i still find a way to play and enjoy it. i will tell you right now, its because of whiny people like you that piss me off because im sure you have everything since the beginning and yet you complain that there are cheeses. try playing knowing you have to buy everything because no matter if you play week by week nighfalls/heroics, play so many different crucible type games, and consistently cant get more than a friggin mote of light or strange coin as a drop while some dbag who is flying around on a sparrow on control basically committing suicide gets an exotic weapon/armor as a drop with a k/d of 0.14 .......then talk to me. xur is a completely different rant that i will not even cover any more about crucible is an atrocious knife in the neck that has no rhyme or reason on the drop rate (and if so please do tell with facts not suspicions) oh and hey if you havent noticed the most annoying thing that needs to be patched more than anything is when you are playing and the game freezes so hard you have to go to the home screen and quit the game in order to play WHICH btw is really awesome when you are playing a nightfall solo like a boss and have no checkpoints to go back to and have to redo (let alone the stupid error codes like mongoose, hive, pineapple, and who the hell knows whatever stupid name they try and play off as a joke) or even public events which you know very well you'll never make it back in time and i personally do not want to go to the destiny public events site to be that crazy over when they happen. maybe if we do what kotaku has said in the past and stop pre-ordering half a** completed games (which essentially states as a gamer that we dont care if its finished or not, heres my money i want it now...putting pressure on them to produce it on time rather than making sure it works) we wont have to worry about things like this...i can only imagine the assassins creed rants over the glitches and pure mechanics of the game that do not work. if you think im wrong. pop in your super mario games on your SNES and tell me if you, back when it was first made, heard that you cant finish the game because its broken...would you still buy it??? please dont tell people how to play or what to fix. this game is already very broken. im sorry that you feel cheesing is wrong but imo again, had they made a finished expansion/game, then you wouldnt have so many complaints in general and on that note... if there is a cheese to get an icebreaker/gjallahorn i am totally doing it

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        2 Replies
        • Honestly think your wrong VOG was a much better raid more extensive we have gone from a 7 part raid to a 4 part raid which is a waste of the money I spent, plus I did atheon the legit way the push off had been patched by the time I had got to do atheon on hard bungie never ever fixed the bugs that hindered us trying to run it properly... But we're more than happy to fix things that make it that bit easier I have to say again... FIX YOUR GAME BUNGIE

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          • Ehh it's a game. Don't mind cheesing or doing it how it was intended. If I enjoyed it I don't mind. Vog does feel a little more rewarding with little to no exploits though

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          • This is like straight tattle tailing. And no one likes a tattle tail. So, obviously you're gonna get some hate, but you are kinda being that kid who reminds the teacher of last night's homework right before class ends. No one likes it. And some might even say you're doing this to troll. Don't misunderstand, I agree with you. I always hated when I would get to the Templar with a bunch of randoms, and all they want is to cheese him. But I loved it when I finally did it legit after they FINALLY fixed it. Either way, I totally am on your side, but at the same time, probably not the beeeest way to handle this kind of topic.

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          • There's an exploit for the witch Ir Yût. Get on top of the map when you load the checkpoint, jump down into the room above the crystal and when everyone else kills wizards and shrieker you can solo the witch while taking minimal damage. The rest of the fireteam can focus on wiping the knights and acolytes to clear the checkpoint. When you liturgy starts, she stops moving and does her little rain dance which makes this exploit cake. Ps. Unless there is a prior topic involving this cheese/exploit I take pride in finding this out for myself, world 1st?

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          • Edited by sarskill: 12/18/2014 4:11:47 PM
            Great post.I play with 80 percent randoms now whenever anyone gets frustrated "let's just cheese" or they just leave to cheese with someone else. It's been a fun and challenging boss fight wish it had lasted longer than a week.Good luck in hard mode mice

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            • Thnx mate

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            • The exploits will be patched The bugs wont VoG is an example of that

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            • Great post, hopefully all this sh*t gets patched.

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              • Get off your high horse! You want this to be a true raid with no glitches?!? Seriously who cares if there are glitches that help players get through the raid. If you don't want to exploit them then don't use them. Making a thread to give all the glitches in hopes that someone from Bungie sees it and thanks you for it is super lame. That is exactly what you are hoping happens. You're the teacher's pet in school telling on people when they do something you don't find appropriate while the teacher's not looking. Get over yourself!

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                4 Replies
                • So what I'm getting from this is... Your Pu$$y level in this game is maxed out what armor do you use to get it that high

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                • L-O-L what a virgin.

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