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12/15/2014 12:55:57 AM
Okay okay.. Let's look at it this way.. There obviously is a reason for the fact that warlocks have 'lesser' gear. I mean cmon! The classes are meant to be different. If I wanted to be a tanky class, I choose Titan. Let's face it, they are the toughest class in the game, but their agility is terrible. But what if I want agility? Oh, I know! A hunter! Super fast to get in and out of combat without dying. (Did I mention that they die super fast?) no? Well, they die super fast. I wonder what counters being low health all the time? !!!lets play a Warlock! #superhealthrecovery! #insanelypowerfulgreades! #selfrevive! Yep, warlocks are pretty much awesome. Who needs good gear when you are as awesome as a 'lock? *Rant rant rant* Point is this: Make 3 characters... 1 of each class.. Experience the joy of ... Wait for it... Variety! *bam!* you can now play destiny and enjoy the game in your own way! ..I think I'll go now and *ahem* Become Legend!

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