Just finished VoG on hard for the first time
Amazed at what I got rewarded with.
What items did you get in the vog?
EDIT : Wow this is an old thread, seems lots of guardians getting good loot on VoG!
Damn you must've been sacrificing virgins to RNGesus. Grats dude
Don't want to brag or anything but I received a spirit bloom from vault of glass once when I was level 25, and to this day level 30s are asking how I got it....
My best was either gjallarhorn and epilogue or vex and chest peice.
would LOVE to get the vex but instead of TLW i would have hawkmoon
Edited by Wonderbread: 12/15/2014 1:11:25 AMI'm more confused as to if you are pubescent boy or a girl
you beat mine, couple days ago i got the following from atheon mythoclast helm sparrow 4 energies
Lucky. I just did beat Atheon on hard and got my second sparrow and ascendant shards. Only 2 drops. Both crappy.
Not to be rude, but your voice really annoys me. It's not the accent either...
My best drop was mytho mida shards energy helm and sparrow
Mytho shards sparrow helm ship and red death all in one drop.
Edited by vicey: 12/14/2014 9:50:43 PMFoil, fatebringer, ice breaker, vex and universal remote in one run Oracles-foil Templar-fatebringer gorgon chest-icebreaker aethon- vex and universal remote
My best single drop was: Mythoclast (first one too), Suros Regime (third one), Raid Helmet (first), and a Timebreaker (first). I may or may not have cried tears of manly joy...
lucky first time ship hard mode everytime after shader and shards/energy
Just the helmet, shader, ship, and sparrow. Gg tho.
Last night I got the vex, atheons epilogue, the pulse rifle, the helm and the timebreaker.
You're welcome.
Not to be rude are you a guy or a girl?
Killed Atheon with my hunter this week and got vex, gjhallahorn, helmet, and timebreaker
That was a nice drop, I also received a pretty lucky drop myself yesterday.
timebreaker [b]Plan c ([i]Was still at 273 attack?[/i])[/b] praedyth's revenge (x2) Vex Mythoclast Prime zealot helmet Atheon's Epilogue Shards Energy Shattered Vault Cloak
[i][b][u]Just[/u][/b][/i] finished on Hard (3rd run? 4th?) and got this overall: Shards Energy Light of the Great Prism Praedyth's Timepiece Kabr's Battlecage (x2) Kabr's Wrath Kabr's Brazen Grips Aspect of Glass Vex Mythoclast It's Christmas!!!
I did VoG and got chatterwhite and some ascendant shit
Since when does it say mission complete when you finish the vog?
I forgot his name, but a few days ago I ran with a group on hard mode and one of our teammates received Fatebringer after the Templar, following Vex Mythoclast and Gjallhorn after Atheon... Same person, one raid.... On the flipside, I continue to receive the same pair of zealot boots, shards, energy, and MOST importantly......Chatterwhite.
I got Gjallarhorn and another vex from one reward a few weeks back
Same things you got but no Last Word. Yesterday was my first Hard raid and got all that :D