Dark Below: Do you class it as an Expansion, DLC/ADD on, or something you'd expect from Limited Edition Content?
Not a hate post, but curious if anyone else felt it was more DLC/Limited edition (Similiar to how Farcry/Assassins creed had this)
So what do you class it as and why?
I'd class it as DLC/Limited edition content, thou being on xbox I get less overall and feels like DLC than an expansion.
Forgot to add a fourth option for if you do not have it to try.
To clarify:
Add on / DLC is more just something added into the game
Expansion is more a massive range of things added such as new areas/enemies/gear etc, includes campaigns/big missions such as Mass Effect
Limited edition is more something either small/semi medium content that you get from limited edition of games such as extra missions from Farcry/AC
Noones thoughts?