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Edited by Phuzakie: 12/11/2014 9:17:16 PM

Why would anyone oppose a solution that allows DLC & Non-DLC players to fully enjoy the content they purchased.

I am amazed at the amount of ignorance and selfishness on the forums. DLC owners are defending locking out Non-DLC owners because they think they are just whining for free stuff. This isn't an "either or" issue, the solutions presented on the forums [u]will not hurt DLC owners, nor will it hand out free content to anyone[/u]. [spoiler][b]NO ONE IS ASKING FOR FREE ACCESS TO DLC CONTENT.[/b][/spoiler] The solution of having playlists for daily/weekly/nightfall game play modes that are tailored to the content you have purchased is simple. [u]Give each player access to the content they her/she has paid for.[/u] [b][u]Now with an example data driven solution! Code and all![/u][/b] [url][/url] The Nightfall is NOT content, it is a [b]game play mode[/b]. Just like Control is a [b]game play mode[/b]. Just like Patrols are a [b]game play mode[/b]. Bungie applies a [b]game play mode[/b] to a strike and that is what we play. The answer is not to lock game play modes, but to apply them to the content that someone has already purchased. Yes, this would require some actual work by Bungie devs, and it will mean that DLC owners and Non-DLC owners could possibly have different strikes marked as the Nightfall at times. Who cares? They absolutely have the mechanism to prevent you from being rewarded more than once, they just need to implement it. As far as rewards go, [u]I am completely fine if DLC owners get a higher tier of rewards[/u] than Non-DLC owners. Make each "playlist" have it's own loot tables. DLC play list gets the new gear and or more coins, I am still ok with that. Guardians need to stand together on this issue. Not only is Bungie pushing people away, they are discouraging people from buying the DLC, not giving them incentive to buy it. As DLC owners, you should want MORE players picking up the expansion, not less. For those who think this is only for one week, you are mistaken. [b]This will happen every day and week that DLC content is chosen as the weekly/daily/nightfall. [/b] Anyone thinking of Trolling, GTFO. People aren't whining about content, it is about the removal of game play modes for week(s) at a time. If you take a minute to consider the solution, what negatives come from limiting the content rather than the game play modes. Comments are open, I'd love to see the community come together on this one.

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  • I cant bump this enough . You put Bungie to shame, there is no valid argument yet produced that supports bungie's exclusion of players from existing modes of play. well apart from bungie using them as a cudgel to force players to hand over more monies. thank you Phuzakie

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