originally posted in:360 Raid Runners
If anyone's up for it or are missing someone for a full team let me know :p
I'm 30 warlock. GT: ZimO1248. What's urs
Im up for it. 27 titan. Gt Controllr freak
Looking for normal VoG raid. I'm lvl 26. GrantMan64
Need one more , you in?
Level 29 Warlock, message me on live. GT is same as my username.
I'm looking for hard mode raid group level 29 titan fully speced out on both sub classes
Hosting A Group Raid On Hard -Fresh start -Level 30 Only -Got To Have Experience -Got To Have A Mic -GT: RMA Commando (Message Me If You're Interested)
We have 4 at gorgon checkpoint if you wanna join
Join us we need 2 more gt spectes11
I've got 4 and we need 2 to start from the Gorgon's
Lvl 28 titan looking for VoG GT: OG Gunter
I would like to join you bro.