Never once have I come up with an excuse. ....what are you smoking? Listen kid. ....I'm not driving to ky or half way to fight some dbag over the bungie forums. You wanna come here we can step in the ring any time. Promise. But you'll be wasting your gas and you'll get hurt, but that's on you I guess.
Excuse 1: cops Excuse 2: distance There's the two I was referring to. I'm no kid, I'm 23, and I do indeed box. I think your putting boxing too high on a pedestal if you think I'm lying to you. It's just a sport, it's not like I was claiming to be a navy seal, or like boxers fight to the death, we compete to win. It's that simple.
1. I said I wouldn't bring a weapon because you're not worth trouble with the law, so nope, definitely not an excuse 2.i said I was down any time, so come to me, that simple. Because apparently you're in the mma scene right? And traveling is no big deal And ok you "box" I guess I could fight my sister and call it boxing to.
This is second, and last time I will say it. I never said at any point in time that I was involved in any way, shape, or form with MMA. You made that up because you like to make stuff up when you make points. You could call it that, but no one else would. But you do seem like the type who would hit a girl, so I'm not surprised you would say something like that. I will be traveling to San Antonio, TX and Winscor, Canada this month. In Jan, I'll be in Mt. Desert Island, ME and in February I'll be in Phoenix, Arizona. After we're done in Phoenix my best friend on my team and I will going to Colorado to board, then to Oakland, CA to visit his parents. No trip to Cali would be complete without Vegas, so we will be going through there as well. We're not televised fighters like you seem to think I'm claiming us to be. We're college athletes traveling and competing. I don't see what's so hard to believe about that.
Wait. ...first it was you just like to get in the ring to blow off steam. you're a college athalete? Wow that escalated quickly
You did actually. ....but yeah
It wouldn't be any fun if I didn't get hurt, the point of the fight isn't to avoid pain. It's to inflict more pain on your opponent than your opponent does to you. Wait, so you go from thinking I'm so self-obsessed low life who goes looking for fights over some shit talking to disbelieving I box? You do realize that your original opinion of me is the common stereotype for boxers and mma fighters? You couldn't of contradicted your own reasoning any more perfectly. I might love fighting too much (hence why I box, it's a release), but at least when I argue I remain consistent and don't make myself look some dumbass who changes their opinion every 2 seconds.
And no. ...there isn't any Stereotyping going on at all.'re just some guy who gets butthurt and then claims to be an mma fighter that will beat someone's ass. ....actually. ..wait, that's the perfect stereotype of the typical Internet warrior. yeah, I guess alil stereotyping going on
You're not a boxer and you're not an mma fighter. ...just sayin. It's funny that you claim it though, just makes you sound stupid