So I've tried to look for random people to do the raid with every week, but I don't really enjoy it since it succumbs to complete silence at times and it becomes quite awkward.
So why am I here? I want to find a group of people I can get to know well and have a fun time while playing. Which would be awesome.
Up for it?
Thanks guys!
Im down to do the raid i have 2 other kids
Edited by Darkshines: 12/12/2014 3:22:40 PMWas just going to post the same as above. I'm into getting people together so that we can raid continuously.. weekly, add me Darkshlnes. I have a level 30 Warlock and two Titans about to hit 30, albeit using same armour.
Looking to do the raid soon as pos Add me knocka007 Lvl 30 warlock
GOLD T0SSERS, have lvl 30 warlock, Titan and almost 30 hunter
Gt kilroth
Im in need of a more regular group, add me mate Gt: LFAustentatious
I am down. I am on most nights around 7:30-8 pm eastern time. This week is crazy due to work, but after the holidays it should even back out. GT same as username.
I'm down also. Drdogood
I'm currently in the process of getting enough people together in a clan for this. Ill send you an invite to the group if your interested check it out. Play daily. Anyone else interested can request to join as well. XB1. My GT is the same as on here.