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originally posted in: Free DLC/patch to fix story petition
12/11/2014 7:53:32 PM
What are you talking about? The story is great, if you take five damn seconds to read the grimur cards that say what information you're missing without making the actual gameplay clunky and need a level that's just exposition. What you're asking for is ridiculous and sounds like the whining of a child that realized he'd have to read words in a comic book. Also the game lives on through actual gameplay not based on the story. There's no story to doing patrols and doing the vog has a background story but it isn't nessiary to the plot line, and shouldn't be. It's fine to say that you didn't like the story but don't claim that there was none when there is.

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  • Edited by Trentimus: 12/24/2014 2:46:20 PM
    LOL THE GRIM CARDS DON'T ANSWER SHIT. The story in the game is just basic and half ass. The story in the cards is just cryptic and half ass. I just have to laugh at your expense because you're sitting up here like you have to be smart to get the story. We all get it.. a 5 year old would get it.

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  • The last thing I was to do is stop playing and read some damn cards on a separate device. -blam!-ing obnoxious. The best type way of presenting back story is through a combination of SKIPABLE cutscenes and audio logs that play while you kill shit.

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  • Not at all. The information that's missing is like codex entries from Dragon Age, not plot. The plot is fully there in the game if you have basic story comprehension.

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  • I know the story and understand it it's just soooo basic. We know next to nothing because each mission was it's only plot line almost. The missions did not lead into one another very well. I can't help but think you are a troll or super blinded by fan boy ism

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  • Actually usually about three of the missions linked together and the others were like sidequests, standard in an MMO. You can say though that 80% of stories in anything are basic these days. It's the first in what's a planned series, and just like with Halo the story will get more depth as the series expands. Maybe you had too high of expectations and are blinded by that. The story is there, contrary to what so many try to claim, and the cards are a nice way of giving those that care a way to immerse themselves in the universe without pissing off those that don't care. I hope for book to expand the series for those of us that care enough to actually read things and know that the future series will only build. I also personally like earning the cards as you aren't just handed knowledge but play to get it. But that might just be me. I love reading the cards, which sometimes tell stories that can only be told in text and be able to read them on my phone while not sitting at me Xbox but I'm itching to play the game. I can support wanting a way to access them in game but personally I'd hate it. I love reading a card while waiting to be matched up for a Roc strike or waiting for all six of a raid group to join. They're also nice and short unlike codex entries from Dragon Age which are just so much text and too much time out of the action. If I had an app to read those on id be happy as a claim.

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  • And I read most of the cards. They are well done. Still doesn't excuse not having a basic story on the game.

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  • There is a basic story in the game. The cards just expand and enrich it.

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  • Super super basic story that us written terribly. Honestly I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain

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  • Sill a story though. And a better story than Halo 4.

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  • My expectations were based on what I read. When they said there would be seasonal story missions I believed them. When they said each planet would have the playable size of halo reach I believed them. I was a victim of trusting people at the company, not my own expectations.

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  • The person who wrote those cards was hired 7 months before launch. The cards weren't a planned thing. They were only added in when they realized how much of joes original story had to be cut to make sense with there new more inclusive story. Those cards were a hack job to give you fan boys some ammunition to say "but the story is in the cards!". If it's not in the game, it doesn't count. You wouldn't say destiny has matchmaking just because there is a recruitment feature in the forums. So don't say destiny has a story just because it's in the cards.

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  • I don't understand how long someone worked there mattered. Eric Nyulan was given less time to write Fall of Reach and it was amazing. The information was all made beforehand and someone just came in and wrote that information into cards. And a damn good writer too. Writing skill has nothing to do with length of time.

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  • They weren't planned. That's my point. Or they were pushed to the side and forgotten about until late.

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  • That doesn't make them bad. How do you know that the format of cards just hadn't been chosen. Clearly all the information was made and just the format to present it to everyone was chosen. And even then it would have been decided before that and then they had to find a skilled writer for the job.

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  • Still doesn't exist in game. I shouldn't have to read the story. It should be presented to me

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  • You do realize that all the story is in the game, right? The non-impacting information of the Destiny universe is what's in the cards. I don't understand how people don't get this. What do you want a cutscenes in which the Speaker sits you down for a lecture on the social structure and name of all the enemies as you slowly meet them? In what other game is all the information in the game?

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  • You just told me above to read the grim cards for the story then said all the story is in game. Get your argument together and coherent then we can have a discussion.

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  • You want the full depth and reason behind every mission and strike then read the cards for the richest of stories but the story is in the game still, just skipping over the details the Bungie learned while making Halo that most fans couldn't give a shit about.

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  • Game still doesn't have a good or coherent story. We are not going to agree though. You think the story is good enough while I like many others find it incomplete with bad writing and lack of cohesion

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  • No we aren't going to agree. I thought the story was fine. I am eager for more and hoping for a book to delve deeper into the universe. I don't think you can say though that many people aren't satisfied with the story as well. Those that are unhappy are always the most vocal, that's why so much of the forum recently is people bitching about the DLC because they didn't buy it. There are plenty of people that are happy with the game, are still playing it like crazy, but avoid the forums. I personally avoid the Halo forums despite how much I love the series because of some of the people on them. I just feel a need to defend that there is a story. Maybe you don't think it's good enough or it was too open ended, but the story is there.

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  • The grimoire cards we have now are bleak and barely tell any story. There also isn't much cohesion. I don't think grimoire cards are a bad way to go. I personally like them. But we need more.

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  • I wouldn't say they're bad and as a lover of stories in games I do want more but personally I'm hoping for a book series. If Halo is any indication Bungie takes care of making good EU products.

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  • I will second the motion for a book series

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  • You shouldn't have to leave the game to get the story. As far as most people are concerned that information isn't "in the game".

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  • Shouldn't have to step away from the game to learn about the games story. It's like going to see a movie with a bunch of characters basically standing around and then at the end of the movie they tell you to go read the cards on the Internet that explain the story to you

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