So I just got Atheon's Epilogue from the normal raid for the first time ever last night. My question is its still viable outside of the raid or if I should even spend the time upgrading it.
Either way, it makes for a pretty good trophy right?
Is it still maxed at 300 damage? Or did it get upgraded like the crap legendaries the vendors are selling?
It's an elemental primary. Level it and keep it. Nightfall void primary sorted .
Keep it. Great for Void Burn strikes.
If nothing else, save it for a void burner nightfall. My maxed one does 555 damage per headshot
Iam on the same page man I been head over heals for that gun since first time I've seen (release of vog) and I got thorn bountie last night, and did the raid after we killed atheon I got epilogue iam still excited even though its primary out dated except for the options the comments below said, and of course for the 2nd thorn bounties I picked ( failed horrible first time I had it, )
its a nice gun
Keep it for void burn weekly. Aside from that not much use.
Great for Nightfall and of course melts Vex in the vault. I will keep mine (x3) until their is a better primary option.
That is so two months ago. Jk haha...its great for Nightfall with void damage modifer active. It melts non shielded guys so damn quickly. Upgrade it for that.