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12/10/2014 5:38:47 PM

Class action lawsuit?

With our worlds society being so sensitive and sue happy(we sue over hot coffee), I am sort of surprised there isn't a lawsuit regarding this game. Your thoughts? Discuss..

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  • Edited by Spooky Explosion: 10/15/2015 8:24:18 PM
    The only one I know off was bungie verse Marty(the composer of the destiny soundtrack). Bungie tried to pull a fast one and fire him after the soundtrack of destiny was complete. However he didn't go quite, he had shares and stock in bungie and contract state he gets some of the profits. Long story short. Bungie though firing him would make them more money without his shares and benefits. That's illegal and bungie was found guilty. Marty sued for a handsome amount which bungie didn't like and since he has shares he'll be getting some of the profit that destiny collects because that's what the contract between him and bungie states. way to stick it to them bro.

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  • Edited by LONE RONIN2012: 10/15/2015 7:46:27 PM
    Most lawyers will not touch it. Tell you to go to small claims court. Plus most of the players complaining are still buying the DLC. Sort of destroys a case.

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    • Refunds on this game are easy enough to obtain, no need for class action.

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    • None of us have gotten enough motivation to actually follow through to a lawyer (save for one user but it didn't really seem right) but I can guarantee if one of us did there'd be something to go on. It's tough because consumer laws aren't really solidified in the us

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    • I've said this elsewhere but it's worth saying again. Lawyers make a lot of money from lawsuits, especially class action lawsuits. With millions of people playing Destiny, any lawyer that took on Bungie and won would more than likely be able to retire if they wanted to. The fact that we aren't seeing/hearing of any lawsuits, is probably because the professional lawyers realize there is little to no chance of building a case that will stand up in court. Think about it for a minute, Lawyers jump all over every accident, plane crashes, vehicle accidents, like you mentioned, even someone spilling hot coffee on themselves. If they had the potential to make millions off of a case against Bungie, everyone would be contacted in order to build as many "witnesses" as possible to prove their point. TL;DR: Professional Lawyers aren't interested in a case, so it either doesn't exist or isn't worth fighting over.

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      4 Replies
      • Remember those terms of service your agreed to without reading? Lol yup you cant sue

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        3 Replies
        • Imma sue em for making me buy silver!!!!!!

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        • There is a lawsuit...

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        • There has been lawsuits on games but there hasn't been a good enough reason for anyone to get one on destiny and by good enough I mean one that could possibly hold up in court

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          • You can't just go sue a company for being money hungry a-holes that use every exploit to save money and short change the consumer into perpetually buying their crap. If you could almost every big business in the world would be bankrupt.

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          • Nerf tried to sue bungie over the use of the word Nerf. The judge laughed and rejected the case.

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          • With this logic you can sue your own puppy for taking your ball

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          • Edited by Tic Tac Toe 92: 12/10/2014 6:58:25 PM
            Not to defend meaningless lawsuits but the suit over "hot coffee" was because it gave the woman 3rd degree burns. Because it was way to hot. People just dumbed it down to make her look bad.

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            • What grounds ?

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            • You have nothing to sue over

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              • No one has any grounds

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              • Dont know about anyone else but I got my money's worth out of this game even made some friends along the way.

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                • Good luck w that lol

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                • Last night I watched a documentary I didn't like, I think I'll sue Netflix for putting in my suggested movies section.

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                  • Edited by littleelvis: 12/10/2014 5:46:08 PM
                    Because there is no case and everyone knows it. No lawyer is going to touch this. Better Call Saul!

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                  • Edited by FL NIGHTMARE: 12/10/2014 5:47:31 PM
                    Any one who quotes the hot coffee like that case has yet to do any research on it. Spoiler a research company was hired before the incident to let them know if the coffee was dangerously hot. The research conclude it was much to hot and unsafe. The temperature of the coffee was still not lowered. The person received 3rd degree burns from the coffee

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