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12/10/2014 6:04:28 AM

Drops in the new raid are killing me...

So my group of friends and I are at the final stage of the brand new raid. Ive yet to get one piece of raid gear while our lowest contributing player has recieved chest and gloves. I know I should be used to it by now, but ive logged 600+ hours into this game. I play it almost religiously because of how much I enjoy it. And I just do not understand why the game cannot come up with some type of resolution to this issue. Is it that hard the write an algorithm that can recognize when a player does or doesnt deserve some of the best drops in the game? I turned off my xbox tonight in complete disbelief as too the fact that I have yet to recieve one drop that wasnt material based. Idk. This is my first post on here that isnt me trying to find randoms for the raid or nightfall. Im not a debbie downer. I just need to vent my frustration with the drops in this game and how unfair I believe it to be. Let me know what you guys think. If anyone ever wants to play, I'm on pretty much 10+ hours a day. And I have 2 level 30s soon to be 3. Warlock and two titans. Add me Xbox One: DadFarts247

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