did you.. ask dorothy?
[quote]looking for houses[/quote] Didn't you just recently get your current place and wasn't it perfect? Why the need for a change? Is the family about to grow and you need more rooms?
What is your dream home/location?
Why are you fat?
Recon has replied three separate times to this thread How does that make you feel?
Do you like my Christmasey name :3
Highest potential amount you're willing to spend on a new house?
Made out of straw?
Have you tried following streets? Sometimes I see homes by the sides of roads.
Your opinoin of The Sep7agon? [spoiler]Got my account nuked from orbit over there by request today btw.[/spoiler]
Is it time for the crunchy corn cops to crawl?
When do I move in?
How big?
This good?
I have a house. Wanna move in bb, we can giv fuk err day
What's the next title gonna be
When are you going to divorce your husband so I can divorce my wife and then I can hook up with your husband and he can buy me a sweet ride like yours?
Camm attention whoring threads never die. They're just missing in action.
Why do you keep renaming the same thread instead of making a new one?
Can I have some?
What's your full name, sex, age, current place of residence, and social security number? [spoiler]topkek[/spoiler]
Exactly how much bacon are we talking about here?
Breakfast, lunch or din din?
It only dies when u die [spoiler]Ayy lmao ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [/spoiler]
What should I be asking you? [i]I've ran out of questions[/i]