Yeah a player like me, who logs on almost everyday and plays for almost 3 hours each time he logs on is clearly what's wrong with the game, spot on logic there bud. Yes the advertised product wasn't what we got and yes the game was ripped apart to get sold as dlc, you don't have to go on about that. By now everyone should know this. I am to some point disapointed in what we got as final product, but going on the forums starting another whine-thread or doing another one of those awful,childish petitions won't change a thing, if you really want to be heard, stop playing, don't buy dlc and don't support future installements of the franchise, which brings me to my final point:
The FRANCHISE is gonna last 10 years not a single -blam!-ing game you moron. And that isn't something really special like activision/bungie wants you to believe, almost every gaming franchise is lasting around 10 years nowadays. Like ac, gta, cod and many more.
His name should be changed to Super Entitled.