Fry and Leela were married in the episode Time Keeps on Slipping.
Come on Is it kif
Nope. So far you have Amy and the Professor. There is only 1 more.
Actually, Amy has been married, twice, to bender and kif
Amy was only engaged to Bender, and Amy was Kif's Fonfonru, not his wife. She even states something similar in the episode where she and Bender get engaged.
Nope. She's also not main cast. The main cast is: Fry, Leela, Bender, Amy, Hermes, Zoidberg, and Scruffy.
How is scruffy main cast?
Great now give me a new question
I will. It'll take me a bit to come up with a good Zoidberg level question.
Okay post when you have one
Oh right that episode.