I haven't yet. East coast. I would only have time on the weekends. Friday night would be the best. Lvl 29 warlock. A few exotics. Xbox One
I would like to just have limited time to do something so lengthy. My GT is same as destiny name. Add me and msg Raid if interested. Thanks.
I'm also one the one with no raid experience either. I work second shift so Friday, Saturday and Sunday night work well with my schedule.
We have a group of 5, looking for a 6th to run raid on normal if your interested on the xboxone. I'll message you tonight, my gamer tag is xboxvigilante.
If you haven't got someone by 11pm cst/12 est try me. Level 29 lock max primary, max void sniper, max ghorn. GT:same Xbox one . Haven't raided because I play at work to pass the time and if I'm needed I have to go, so didn't want to mess a team up. Usually if I have to go it's not for long(20-30min), but occasionally would be out :-(.