I've been trying to do the raid since they came out with it, and every time the people on my friends list do it, they don't tell me. I've killed atheon twice and opened the first door once. If anyone has the patience and time (pun intended) to run through it, I'd appreciate the help on it. I'm not looking for a totally serious playthrough, I want to have a casual, fun time with it. I play on 360 and my gamertag is bobert117.
If you were on the one I would run it with you and help you out. I have a guy at work that hasn't done it yet and I'm waiting for him to get up to level 29 so I can get him into a hard raid. Might be better off starting on easy though. Anybody on the one who would want to play (and hasn't done it) maybe tomorrow night (most likely) add me on live and send me a message after 6pm est and I'll be down to give everybody a walk through.