originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
Always willing to help when I'm online. Lvl 30 warlock with moderate raid experience. Really looking for a laid back group that doesn't mind dying a few times so I can handle the relic a bit. Add me plz PSN: Dadof2bg
Add me. Whodeyhaney. I'll be on from time to time and I still need to beat the raid. I'm good with the relic.
[quote]Add me. Whodeyhaney. I'll be on from time to time and I still need to beat the raid. I'm good with the relic.[/quote] 29 titan
Edited by Dadof2bg: 12/5/2014 1:40:09 AMI didn't mean to make it sound like thats all I'm looking to do. I will help with any raid as long as there is an understanding that I have very little experience with the relic. Btw, I have an Atheon save if that helps.
Atheon hard or normal?
I can help I'll be on around 10 eastern
Lvl 29 warlock/hunter online alot always looking to do nightfalls/raids dwilly121