What game ending gave you a case of the feels? For me it would be The Walking Dead: Season 1's ending. I won't lie, I cried.
So what about you? What game made you cry?
Dark souls 1 and 2 ending hit me like holy shit what have i done
Halo 4.
inFamous 2 hero ending
Bioshock Infinite, still the best story I've ever seen.
First time I beat red version. Suck it Gary! SUCK IT!!!
Killzone 3 ending
Batman arkam city
Skyward sword. (Hey i wasnt as mature when i played it...)
mgs 4 .... kingdom hearts..,.the last of us .... heart of darkness .... i shed a tear or two for these games lol
none, because i was too young to realize the feels the games were giving off, now some Halo soundtracks give me the f*cking hard punch you in the dick feelings =[
Final fantasy 7 crisis core. The price of freedom is steep..
Bioshock Infinite was like -blam!- right in the feels.
Dishonored Ghosts(the game was fukking awful except for campaign)
Rogue Galaxy, one of the best games ever.
Red dead..I couldn't bring myself to open those barn doors...
I didnt cry but Borderlands The Presequel Claptastic Voyage. Poor claptraps just tried to help :(
Kingdom for Keflings
Thread is so old, but The Last of Us made me really think deep thoughts. Lol
The last of us
Also reach
Dead space and Gears