I wanted to take a break from all the "exotic upgrade" bullshit teeming in the forums, so I stopped by here :D
One of my favorite things in Destiny is an enemy I have re-named 'splodies, since I first laid eyes on them.
Cursed Thralls. I love them. I love shooting them and making them explode, I love the sound it makes. I love the color of their heads and the explosion.
I wish 59849587394857394 'splodies would come at me, I would shoot the first and set off a most excellent chain reaction of explosions. It would go down in history as the chain reaction explosion of most bad assery.
Yep. That's all I wanted to say. lol.
EDIT: The DLC has satisfied my 'splodie compulsion, for the moment. I'm one happy bitch!
There is an entire section of one of the dark below missions dedicated to starting chain reactions with cursed Thralls. It's hilarious! :)
DLC is 'splodie-rich!
Best feeling in the world.
Nova bomb with bloom, the dark beyond mission.... Yes! Lol
I love you
T minus 9 hours for the new raid. 'splodies ahoyyyyyy!!
I arcbladed into a 'splodie' for the fun of it lol. I didn't die, but a really huge explosion filled the screen lol
Never again will I refer to Cursed Thralls as anything other than 'splodies. Keep 'sploding those 'splodies, Guardian.
This guy's got goals nice
lol wait until you see eris's bounty where you have to MELEE a bunch of the 'splodies. source: the article that caused all the fuss
Not a complaint post! Yesss! This is a welcome change! Have you use a gun with firefly perk on them? Even funnier!
Nice...I was waiting for a exotic reset hate sentence...yay it wasn't there...good job "knight of the splodies"
Your dream may come true in The Dark Below!
Why was this so funny xD
Lol this sounds like a great form of Destiny therapy. Ah, chain explosions...
Bump because this isn't the fiftieth thread this hour about exotics
How about 'splodin all those 'splodies with the firefly perk- even a bigger 'splosion!
[quote]I got 'splodin monkeys in me![/quote]