[quote]Hello there destiny creator's I am not gunna cry and say the game is horrible cause I actually do enjoy a lot of it but as for your new dlc I have decided to make a deal with you guys, see I do the raid twice a week with 2 warlocks to try and get gear to be a 30. And I have completed the raid dozens of times on each warlock in attempt for 3 different pieces of raid gear. But over the 20 times I have done the raid I have gotten the gloves 14 times and the boots 11 times (o yes I've counted) and completing the raid again tonight on both characters and not getting my chest piece. Is REALLY frustrating. So the deal that I was talking about earlier is. Once I finally get my raid chest piece for the warlock, on that day and only on that day will I buy the dlc. Sincerely iii GUMPS iii[/quote] People that gob off about how much they earn or what decent shit they have, really do have a shit boring life bragging about shit u wished u had! So carry on being a big man and waffle shit to kids/teenagers cos I'm sure they really couldn't give a -blam!-!!
I'm sorry the player you are trying to reach is unavailable. The player either has no care for you input Or the player has found you to be a tool Or the player has better things to deal with Or all the above Goodbye
Your profile says you've completed the raid a combined 10 times. Troll.
Edited by III GUMPS III: 12/4/2014 5:11:27 PMDoes it show if I made it to atheon or gatekeeper then stopped? O no? That's crazy let's ask the all knowing profile some more questions, Are u a an actual tool? O check that out ur profile says ur a tool Are u wasting ur time to prove something u know no knowledge about besides something ur phone says? Well I just checked ur profile and all it says is ur a tool so Idk if that answer this question Well lets ask the magic profile if it counts when u get bugged out at atheon, awe I just checked and it still says ur a tool Man destiny really doesn't like u, all I get is u made it to level tool. Ur whole life uve probably been a tool. And and check out the last part of ur profile, it says ur not even the sharpest tool in the shed. Man ur life is a let down. So u should probably go be a tool else where
Butthurt much? It's called boredom.
O my friend ur still here, and yes I've heard a tools life is very boring I'm very sorry for that. Maybe if u actually accomplished something in life u wouldn't suffer from boredom. And I mean that is the best of ways. For example I live in a 674,000 dollar house with a 70,000 dollar benz and a rather nice life where as of a tool like u has? The tool shed? Enjoy ur boredom friend
With grammar like that I can assure you that I know you earn as little as 12k a year.
Give me one reason why I should have picture perfect grammar for u? Why should I act the same as I do at work as I do here? Am I gunna get reviews by the CEO's of destiny? O I'm not? Well I better have good grammar or the destiny community will crash down on their personal opinions haha
Edited by FrenchFries: 12/4/2014 8:02:19 PMSeriously, if you say you own objects as expensive like that, you would have better* grammar. It's common sense, you would of had a good education in order to be earning a lot to own objects like 'you do'. *Not picture perfect, but I don't even earn money (not old enough for even 12k) but I still have good grammatical responses.
Doesn't count if you talk about mommy and daddy's stuff you know.