I've been trying to do the raid since they came out with it, and every time the people on my friends list do it, they don't tell me. I've killed atheon twice and opened the first door once. If anyone has the patience and time (pun intended) to run through it, I'd appreciate the help on it. I'm not looking for a totally serious playthrough, I want to have a casual, fun time with it. I play on 360 and my gamertag is bobert117.
You cant expect people to search you out to help you do the raid bro. Get on lfg and start messaging people, not these goofy "i need attention" posts. You may have to have some initiative, motivation and personal responsibility to get the raid done.[spoiler]people help those that help themselves[/spoiler]
I'll help u run through it on normal tmrw when the weekly reset hits add INNOCENT FTW as a friend
First of all theres a wealth of information on the web about what you need to know. From basic gear needed to cheese methods and tactics. If your still doing it on normal than it shouldn't be too rough since most normal groups expect questions to be asked. If your doing it n Hard than yes people expect that you've done your research and know what needs to be done without having to ask. You say you've defeated Atheon once or twice but why? If you were looking to learn the raid you should be looking at LFG fresh run groups. Not jumping in on the final boss at the end. I'm sorry if I'm coming off as brash but this isn't the first week the raids been out. At this point the information is out there and not a mystery anymore. Don't rely on random groups and slam down on your own friends if you don't feel comfortable after reading up on whats out there.
Haven't done the raid either - a buddy and I would love to give it a shot this weekend - should be on around 8pm central both nights. Both older (39 lol) fairly mellow guys. Add me or reply and I'll add. X360 Gt: Mr Scott Would love to complete it, but really looking to at least experience it!
I'm on xbox one and I'd love to help anyone out who hasn't done the raid yet I've done it a few times on my titan and I know how to get all parts of the vault of glass done. If you're up for a raid add me or message me and I'll add you. GT: DeathMetalChris
On XB1 man other wise I love helping new people
I'm interested in this too. I would like to get in and practice with the relic, for example, and get the freakin gorgon maze down. Things like that. I mostly play evenings and weekends so if anyone on ps4 wants to get in and run around a bit and not care about wipes or rushing through so much send me a invite.
Jump On the recruitment thread. You'll be in a group within 5 mins.
Do it once with a group that isn't total assholes and you'll pick it up that quick. It's not hard at all it's more about communication. It's a shame people are like that. I of course prefer to have experienced players in the raid with me but there are people out there who don't understand the raid but are still good players. I have no problem giving new people a run down in my raid groups. It's not that time consuming and like I said people pick up on it pretty quickly.
That is how I felt when I played WoW. People hate others that don't already know everything. Really sucks.
Hit me up tomorrow. We'll be taking groups thru most of the day. gt same as above
If you were on the one I would run it with you and help you out. I have a guy at work that hasn't done it yet and I'm waiting for him to get up to level 29 so I can get him into a hard raid. Might be better off starting on easy though. Anybody on the one who would want to play (and hasn't done it) maybe tomorrow night (most likely) add me on live and send me a message after 6pm est and I'll be down to give everybody a walk through.
Same here. I've only done the Atheon fight and tried to open the vault and failed (our group was made of 23-24's and then me as a 27). I don't have any friends who have this for Xbox one (everyone has it for PS4) And any forum I post it or comment on someone else's they never respond
Edited by DeCenzerr: 12/4/2014 7:51:18 PMSounds complete bullshit that you've been trying for like 8 weeks and did it once. You must not try too hard.
My gt is the same as my profile. Add me and maybe we can do a vault run
Ps4 Starting VoG at 11 MT ( 3hrs from this post) - inexperienced players welcome, 3 spots opened.
so its every one else's fault you dont know what to do?? When you obviously know how to navigate the internet, your telling me you couldnt take 1x hr to watch a raid clinic vid off youtube before trying to find a raid group ?????
join my clan.. or another.. my group of friends has never balked at having new runners in the group.. actually this last week we ran with 3 members who hadn't completed all parts of the raid yet
Hey I will do raid when im off my shift saturday. I can get you in my team if my friends list its full leave me a msj and who you are Gamertag as username
Hey man, black fleet crisis is my clan, gotta few people who are raid addicts (we cant get them to go to rehab, they said no, no, no) if you want, join them and look on their list for the gamer tag homiez4life (not spelled like so but youll recognize. He usually runs people through with explanations and whatnot.
It helps to do a "totally serious" play through in the beginning. Once you understand the tactics, you can play casual with any group.
I'm willing to help anyone with the VoG on 360. GT: Yukari Hinata
Edited by DrHairyToes: 12/4/2014 8:49:43 PMLooking for some help to do VOG for the first time this weekend with 2 of my friends, (lvl27+28). If anyone is interested in helping us on Xbox 360, feel free to reply or pm me.
I've never done it either. It's just way to difficult to find someone who takes the challenge for what it's meant to be - fun... I play every night after 9pm UK time, message me and I'd be happy to have a go. Same for daily weekly and nightfall. Cheers GT studipbloke
I got both 360 and Xbox 1 I can come along let me know
Friend request or message me. 360 gt: Cronik is SnD Gonna run raid and nightfall this weekend with some friends