All because of the templar fix.
Unless you have an experienced raid team and good weapons the hard mode raid is an excruciatingly painful experience.
Templar is easily the hardest part of the raid. Without the cheese my raid team and I get stuck at templar for hours sometimes. We never cheesed atheon or NM Templar. We only cheesed HM templar to get to the rest of the raid without wanting to throw our ps4s out the window.
The hard raid is no longer worth it imo.
Hopefully bungie get things right with crotas end.
Edit: What I'm trying to say is that HM templar is harder than it should be and sometimes causes so much frustration that I would rather not do the raid at all. I have beat HM templar many times legit. Just sharing my opinion about the fight.
Edit: Didn't think this would cause such a stir.
Reading through the responses has made me realize how toxic this community is.
Apperently opinions aren't welcome here.
Though I did see some light in the darkness.
IE. people respecting my opinion even if they disagreed
Edit: I want to make it clear that I don't like to cheese or ever relied on the cheese. My raid Team and I are very experienced in the VoG and have beat HM templar many times. I just feel templar needs a little tweeking.
If you think I'm just a scrub and I should "get gud" then that's your opinion and I will respect it.
It's not that hard really. One relic holder goes down, everyone else stays up. Relic holder kills everything, supers templar, hides, rinse and repeat. Those up top let relic holder know of the templar's new location. Bladedancer works really well for the relic holder, he can hide and sneak up on harpies, and invis to avoid templar aggro when positioning for super. Everyone else throws rockets and snipes.
Not to mention the stupid bug where the relic holder gets thrown off the side by what must be an invisble force. Happened twice today when the templar was a few shots away from dead. Everyone getting detained all the time too. Even in easy mode
[quote]Unless you have an experienced raid team and good weapons the hard mode raid is an excruciatingly painful experience.[/quote] Exactly how it should be. Hard mode is -blam!-ing hard. That's the whole point of it.
Maybe you should have been doing the fight legit instead of cheesing it from the first moment you did it. .....sounds like you're complaining you can't cheat anymore. ...kinda sad
I would say it isn't fun when people start dying to the bullshit Praetorians not dying (why is this STILL an issue) Succumbing to oracles at lightning speed Getting stuck in the portal The relic shield failing to get its recharge tick during times vengeance You....the bullshit
I would have agreed with you earlier today. I ran with a different group than normal and it was brutal. Then I ran with my normal group and we did the whole raid in less than two, without cheesing at all. I know some would find that laughable that it took us that long, but considering the new update and how long it's been since we did the Templar normally... it was a great raid. On top of that it the most successful raid yet, netting my team two mythoclasts, the last person needing lvl 30 gear got what he needed and I got the timepiece, the last raid weapon I cared about. Hard mode is brutal, but it's still very doable with a good team.
Ran it 3 times today on hard. Don't see a problem with it. Just keep your team together on the right side where the conflux is so everyone can get cleaned. Let the relic holder kill the harpies to get his super up. Clear shield dps with heavies, rinse repeat.
How can you moan that it's too hard? It's meant to be hard for a reason! We did it legit last night and we have a pretty easy tactic to own him
Lmao, you can still cheese Templar. 5 people up top with an Ice Breaker, 1 Sunsinger goes down with the relic and self revives if he dies.
Overcoming challenges is how you get better
I'm curious, are people having such a hard time beating him because they want the chest for blocking his teleports? Or are people just having that hard of a time?
Templar is fun fight and if you don't suck and come up with a strategy (protip: camping is a legitimate strategy) you too can defeat Templar with no deaths on your team! (PROTIP #DEUCE: have everyone create orbs of light for maximum git gud)
Because you're use to cheesing him! Don't get me wrong I cheesed him as well, but yesterday me and my team took about an hour to do it, we tried many ways and lots of deaths and ammo packs used but the last try we did it in like 5mins and was very easy, just wish we tried it that way to start. Once you figure out a way of doing it, it will be easy for you!
I agree tbh. I agree that it was an exploit that needed fixing, but I'm not passing judgment cause I cheesed him all the time. I do think he has too much health though, or that his enrage timer is too soon. We tried for an hour with our 30 raid team. We had no problems dying, just killing the containment fields then dpsing the crap out of him in the 2 sec before he teleports. My biggest argument is that the midway boss shouldn't be insanely more hard than the final raid boss. Of course its not supposed to be easy, he just needs some balancing is all. Less health, longer teleport times, longer enrage timer, any of these would do.
Templar has to be one of the best parts of the raid for me now. We tried it earlier and I loved doing that part. I was the relic guy at the bottom while they were at the top sniping. I'm just down there killing everything and oracles.
Apart from wanting fatebringer, I never *have* to step foot in there again, so I dont really care any more. I did it yesterday with a PUG by sniping him, with my regular team we will most likely.just go.down and beat him. With PUGs you just need the easist and most simple instructions to follow as half of them are either stoned, drunk, exhausted because of time differences, or just plain stupid. Nobody has got the patience to die constantly because half the team cant even see their TV properly.
Edited by BrisVegasBretto: 12/3/2014 6:29:53 AMThey only partially fixed it. They should have removed the cleanse ability from the relic holder to stop group camping. Relic not spawning until everyone jumps down should also be added.
get a defender titan. It will solve so many problems for that part. Shield in the area he goes to teleport. He doesn't move, you get more time to knock his health down with heavies. Yeah minotaurs come in, but you should have void weapons for them. Use your specials on them so the titan can keep bubbling the teleport spot.
Iv always wondered if you guys get payed to troll? And how much do u get for it. I don't imagine it's very much...
Well, it was never supposed to be easy. The whole point of hard mode was to get a group of good players together. Players without fully upgraded weapons shouldn't even be doing the hard raid.
I'm so glad it's fixed so that the unskilled players can no longer beat it, get better scrub.
Edited by WRONGWHEYBRAH: 12/3/2014 7:16:03 AMThis made me lol git gud scrub
Gagahagahahhahhahahahha. That is all.
Lol It's the HARD RAID. It's supposed to be, oh, I don't know, HARD? This post seriously makes me laugh. If your team isn't good enough to kill the Templar, they're just not good enough. Period. I am loving having the Templar battle back myself. If the hard raid was doable by everyone it wouldn't be a hard raid now, would it?
We did it with three friends and three random. Three 29/Three 30's. We missed one oracle on the last shield break, and that was it. Myself and two 29's stayed in the bottom to clear rear oracles and three stayed at the spawn. Only one of us had a gjallahorn. Not all had maxed weapons. It took a damn long time, but is doable. It felt like such a victory compared to hard previously, because everyone wanted to push him.
Edited by TheBeardedHam: 12/3/2014 6:33:36 AMThe Templar is easily the HARDEST fight in the game. Normal mode in no way prepares you for hard mode. Spent 4 hours tonight failing to beat the Templar. Some things need tweaking in the fight such as the radius of his splash or the rate of fire... My team is very experience and beat him many times before we started cheesing just to save time. Tonight we just couldn't do it. I wouldn't harp on him being harder than the other bosses though. Everybody knows bungie's answer. They'll just leave the Templar the way he is and make the rest harder... We were a full group of 30s... Just kept getting overwhelmed