Post your names here and explain them if you made it complicated like I did.
[spoiler]DovahQahnaarin-> DovahOfNewLife
In the Elder Scrolls games "New Life" is a holiday celebrated on The 25th of Evening Star (December 25th) originally for a forgotten god and became gift giving.
In other words my username means DragonOfChristmas[/spoiler]
I think it's self explanatory
WarnedOrange7 GiftingOrange7
Mine can't be chrismasified :(
FISH ----> Christmas FISH
Close enough
This isn't festive.
Kurismic --> Kurismas
Jeremiah Eggnog because... You all can guess why.
Magiktaco - Merrytaco
Jolly Edward Kenway Won't fit sadly...
N7BioSmiley --> BioFrosty [spoiler]I added the N7 cause I wanted to push away from my impostors. And cause N7's are cool.[/spoiler]
Inside joke... However I do need a more festive name.... Anyone want to help me with a new one?
Wan sum fuk bby?
[spoiler] [/spoiler]
Gl1tch3D Gh0st to Gh0sT of Xm4s
Thecaponavabroth - XMAS CORE
Santa of fail
The Juice Box ---> The Gift Box
I couldn't come up with anything to fit Shpip, my original name. Eventually I realized Santa's Workshop and Shpip were the best duo I could muster. So they became one.