Wouldn't it be great if Bungie was oh so generous enough to add a Dead Ghost HUD for each planet on the orbit map screen sort of how it says 5 out of 5 for those gold chests... You remember those completely useless chest that gave us nothing substantial but for some reason we're gold Lmfao haha but anyways I just think it would be awesome for the Dead Ghost hunters such as myself who don't want to follow a guide or a video. THANK YOU BUNGIE
Destinys Exotic Warriors signing out
Small problem with this is that DLC ghosts are already on the maps, so that would break the count, or if you got into the DLC areas your count would be higher than the ones that can be gained normally. Of course they could find a way around this, such as checking your cards instead of ghosts, and going by the cards you gain from ghosts in each area, but it doesn't seem the game has a way to do that currently