A true 30 has multiple sets of gear he can change out based on the situation. Typically at least one full set of raid gear, though more likely multiple sets with high rolls of discipline, strength or intellect. They also have the boots and gloves from iron banner.
Their weapon collection is top notch, with multiple sets of 300 for all four elements that they know when and where the right tool will work.
Discrimination between PvP and pve does not occur to them but only for what gear they will be using to best tackle the challenge.
If you have not mastered both the come back when you get gud.
Lol thats basically what i did, bought many faction equipment to lower timers on abilities, reload speed, melee speed, etc. Then got one exotic to fill every slot (except boots of course) and at least one exotic and legendary in every weapon slot, i try to have at least one gun of every element in each slot as well such as my praedyths for sniping praetorians before they get close then the truth to finish them off.