I'll start with mine : It was some weeks ago,a Clash on Bastion,I was sniping people from behind a "wall" near one of the two turrets,let's say the one which has a big open space behind it,after a 10 kill spree (I killed 6-7 times the same player) he came to me with his Pike trying to kill me and I kept on avoiding his shots turning around that "wall",when he was on the left,I went to the right and so on,after 10-15 seconds I tried to hit him with my Trapmine but I hit the ground instead,so I kept on hiding myself jumping and running and when my Trapmine had to explode,he went exactly on it and I got the kill,I felt so sorry that I sent him an "excuse me" message
What's yours? =)
Was on the moon in clash flying my sparrow up past the b flag spawn when I jumped off it and did a gun flip with my last word then I blinked my hunter forward which made me gun flip then I blink striked a titan and took his shield off which made me gun flip again and I proceeded to hip fire kill him which had me feeling like a bad man afterwards.