I'll start with mine : It was some weeks ago,a Clash on Bastion,I was sniping people from behind a "wall" near one of the two turrets,let's say the one which has a big open space behind it,after a 10 kill spree (I killed 6-7 times the same player) he came to me with his Pike trying to kill me and I kept on avoiding his shots turning around that "wall",when he was on the left,I went to the right and so on,after 10-15 seconds I tried to hit him with my Trapmine but I hit the ground instead,so I kept on hiding myself jumping and running and when my Trapmine had to explode,he went exactly on it and I got the kill,I felt so sorry that I sent him an "excuse me" message
What's yours? =)
While playing the iron banner there was this Titan trying to snipe. I ran straight at him and jumped, assuming he was going to look up and shoot me out of the sky I was like damn... But he just kept taking pot shots at other people.. I floated like half way across the map to land right in front of him and force pushed him in the face.. It was hilarious I was like dude you could of killed me four times and you just kept ignoring the warlock floating slowly towards you...
Edited by Lump: 11/28/2014 12:54:05 AMThis intercepter guy came by. I shot him with my thorn jumped, dodge the rocket he boosts to run me over. I press R1 I go out in style. BOOM! He explodes from my melee sending him to the next life in an explosive punch
Throwing knife head shots while in mid air.
Skirmish match. Each team is two kills away from winning the game. Our team is on a 42 win streak. I trade kills with a guy and then respawn on top of a heavy ammo box that an enemy dropped earlier when I killed them. I switch over to my lmg and I hear a blade dancer super activate as I'm reloading the weapon. He turns the corner and I ads and start laying into him, but there wasn't going to be enough time. So i stop ads so I can move quicker, and I managed to get just enough hits in to kill him before he got to me. Was one of the 2 close games we had on my teams 50w streak (we would keep going, but our snipers Internet is out until he gets a job)
I 720 ladder stall no scoped cross map and got the Mytho after the match.
Was on the moon in clash flying my sparrow up past the b flag spawn when I jumped off it and did a gun flip with my last word then I blinked my hunter forward which made me gun flip then I blink striked a titan and took his shield off which made me gun flip again and I proceeded to hip fire kill him which had me feeling like a bad man afterwards.