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11/27/2014 8:05:30 AM

The Failings of Bungie: You May (Not) Become Legend

After having played destiny for a good few weeks (Bungie shows a good six and a half or so days of in-game time), I felt driven to write up a critique on its major failings. These are both from my personal experiences and the experiences I've read online from others. This is a two part critique on the areas I feel Bungie has failed the most, though they result in the same thing. But before I begin, I'd like to say that Destiny is a good game. It's just that it could have been so much more... Destiny: become legend. Or rather, Destiny: become whatever is given to you and feel grateful. When I first went through the story, everything was new and somewhat exciting, but not only that, everything was different. Guns ran through my hands like water, and I experienced a wide variety of perks and stats and looks. But when I reached level 20, this all came to a halt. Guns no longer ran thorugh my hands. Instead, I was devoid of anything new, anything likable. Eventually, I found Xur, the Vanguard store, and the factions, and I began my quest to become like everyone else. The armor didn't have stats I liked, but I needed the light. They didn't have the perks I wanted, but I needed the light. It was going to take weeks to earn the marks to buy them, but I needed the light. At first, I didn't upgrade any of the vanguard pieces because I hated them. I held onto my energies and shards like scrooge with his precious gold, but in the end: I needed the light. By now, I've become much more pliable: I don't scrimp my ascendent materials, because more likely than not, what I want is never going to happen. Destiny has turned me into a pessimist. Whatever happened to "Become Legend?" Look at the legends in game. Kabr refused to be bowed down, and ripped the face off of a Gorgon to make a shield. What a guy. Toland pursued knowledge to the bitter end, eventually going mad. Dredgen Yor felt darkness embracing him, and decided to embrace it back. Me? I'm a nobody. A nobody in a sea of nobodies doing nobody things and buying nobody items. We run the same nobody quests and strikes and turn in the same nobody bounties. We're not legends: we're nobodies. When I look at my fellow warlocks, I see my face on every one. The one who molded my character molded each and every one of them, and we all look the same and use the same weapons. Everyone wears the voidfang vestments nowadays. There's no reason not to, and more likely than not, it's one of the few exotics they've had the chance to own. Guns? They're so rare, just like the armor. You either buy what Xur is selling or buy from a faction. End of story. You're "Legend." I don't feel legend. I don't feel unique. I feel empty. Which leads to my second point, which is the fullness of Destiny. No, this is not about the story. This is about the dichotomy of what I have been told and what truly is. They tell me that we are on the losing side. Earth, Mars, Venus, the Moon, the rest of the known universe: all are held in a stranglehold by the darkness. The earth is empty. The moon is calm. Where is the chaos? Where is the overwhelming darkness? Where is the need for guardians? Patrol feels so empty. I stroll through the hive for no reason. I collect spinmetal plants under gunfire because I simply don't care. If they tell me Mr. Nexus has overstayed his welcome on Venus, I deliver an eviction notice. Aksor broke his curfew? Reign him back in. The Psions got out? Put a belt to their backside. A phrase comes to mind "Born too late to explore the world, too early to explore the universe." This is what playing destiny feels like. The fall seems so interesting, but it's over and done. People like Kabr and Toland and Dredgen played their parts. On the flipside, the impending darkness is too far away to be dealt with, too remote to encounter. Our guardians live in a time of peace, striving not to survive, but to simply find adventure wherever they can. Guardians are not legends: they are bored. Strikes are boring. The dailies are boring. Patrol is boring. In the end, you do your weekly, your nightfall, your dailies, your raid, and your farming, and that's it. Evil doesn't care, and neither do you. You're both just going through the motions. The fallen aren't actually maintining strength on earth, they just want to look like it. The hive don't actually care about the moon, they just felt like building a fortress. The cabal don't really care that you're on mars, they just get their jollies from shooting off explosives. You're not really in a struggle for your life against the forces of darkness, you're just doing whatever you feel like. Where are the front lines to this great battle? Commander, send me to the front! I want action! I want to feel like I'm making a difference in this universe! I don't want to be an errand boy any longer! I don't want to post any more eviction notices! But there is no war. There is only mundanity and repitition. There is a faceless darkness that is halfheartedly taking over the universe. It will take over the last bastion of men not by force, but by boring us to death. Conclusion: I am a nobody being bored to death by a faceless entity. I'm the futuristic, space magic-ey equivalent of a man-child in his grandma's basement thinking he's sticking it to the man. In reality, I'm doing nothing, and the man doesn't care. I want to feel like I am the master of my own destiny, not like I'm living off the charity of Lakshmi (though she is very charitable, and I love her for it) and Lord Saladin (ty for the boots and gloves m8, appreciate it). I want to feel like the darkness truly is trying to destroy mankind, not like it's sitting on its respective planets, sipping martinis. [b]I want to feel not only like I'm making a difference, but that there's a difference that needs to be made. [/b]

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  • So true.

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  • Reminds me of the Batman YouTube video blog. There is a lot of truth here. Batman, I believe, has summed it up very well. Destiny is a victim of a gutted game that was forced into being, not the concept it was intended to be. I shouldn't talk because I'm probably one of the worst gamers, and basically play to kill time. Imagine how boring it gets for me. (Don't do nightfall etc.) I hope that Bungie is actually trying to work in the content that they gutted to make the game a semblance of what it could have been. The problem is it is neither fish nor fowl - not a true MMO. The lack of comms at the onset bred a lack of use once made available. Lack of cross-platform compatibility prevented friends forming teams... I think Batman was correct in asserting the dumbing down to reach a broader - teen rated - audience has a lot to do with what eventually was published. I guess we can hope. I had purchased the digital package in-toto so I'm getting the DLC. So I'm in no matter what. I hope they eventually make it a deeper story for us.

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  • Alright I didn't want to spoil the game but here it goes. Destiny will be fixed, how many of you played Lego universe? Well this game is going to have the same storyline. Planet Europa, home to professor Dridgen (dry-gen), a scientist who studied the vex and learned the art of time travel died when the darkness came upon the planet Europa. His work is unfinished but can be completed by your ghost. Your ghost will finish the small part that is not finished with the machine. Then you will go back in time and fight along side the guardians in the Grimoire lore. At the end of the game, the final Cutscene will be the man reading his kid the story book about the wolf (the law of the jungle trailer.) only your guardian will be in that book only by this time your guardian would have died from age. But you may still play around in the past and fight off any stragglers that weren't killed.

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    1 Reply
    • I love this game!

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    • Grats

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    • I find it even more disappointing that we are all errand boys for a big white ball in the sky which we know nothing about. Please bungie at least give us more history on the traveller

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    • Edited by SorryNotSorry8: 11/27/2014 5:31:33 PM
      I absolutely agree. Hopefully they'll address the dire need for desperateness against the odds in sequels or expansions. Maybe Crota will pose the threat we're craving. Probably not, but I can dream.

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    • this makes me think of playing a game where we are a Helper for a Sergeant on Earth in New Mombasa during Halo 2, going out to make Coffee and grab donuts, while Master Chief is off in the background Hijacking Banshees and Riding and blowing up a Scarab, and we are there putzing around making sure we put 3 sugars in the Sergeants coffee and not 2, and hopefully we waited 4 minutes for the water to heat up so its the right temperature. And maybe if we are lucky Sergeant will give us some new boots.

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    • in this thread, apologists wanting to admit that the game is garbage, but fall short of doing so because then they have to admit they've been playing garbage for the last 2 months

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    • +125 Street Cred

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    • Edited by Ibex: 11/27/2014 4:42:12 PM
      Though the way Destiny was represented and advertised was undeniably dishonest, I was an irresponsible consumer and gave them my money based on nothing but their word. So, by necessity and w/out any pardon to Bungie, I've gotten over my initial disappointment and have accepted Destiny for what it is, a mix of shooting gallery and golf, and I've actually enjoyed it.

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    • Edited by A blaze A: 11/27/2014 4:49:53 PM
      It seems like they weren't ready, but were forced to ship what they had ready and work on the rest. It's better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. be patient, Bungie will deliver!

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    • I have not read every comment, but enough to know we are not happy with the way thing's are going. And, most importantly there are suggestion's, one particularly stand's out by James Butlin. Although his idea might be a but too much, I think a week long attack would be going too far. So, in the same idea, why not make it a Strike, or better yet a Strike in two part's. The Fallen led by some whacked out loony General who just send's wave's of Fallen at the Wall (the Strike could be called "The Wall"), sort of like a Halo Firefight and you have to survive so many wave's of this. The second part of the Strike could be where you go on the offense, and kill more Fallen to eventually get this whacked out loony General. There are Event's for PvP, I think it is time for Event's in PvE. The public Event's are too and far between, and easily missed. I think the above idea is a great one. Any one else agree ???

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    • Wow that sums up pretty much everything I feel in a calm, well structured thought out post!

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    • They should put out in the house of wolves dlc that there's a huge war on earth and you have to battle in the front lines like you said, and you'd bursts into the open in a frenzy of fire and you see hundreds of other guardians throwing nades, supers, and firing guns. This would make this game like the best thing ever. Getting rushed by thousands while hundreds fight back.

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    • I have said since the start that there should be some kind of battle upon the last city by the Hive or Fallen that every Guardian can get involved with. A huge war, Horde Mode, I believe I read somewhere in another comment, could be the game type. Even the Cabal & Vex can get involved.

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    • Bumpers

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    • Once upon a time, wow felt that way too. I remember the days of vanilla, before the developers had accrued certain competencies. It was a pointless and empty world once you hit 60. You just Grinded.. To grind. Look now, you have your own garrison with an army to command and a conquest to clear the lands of the iron horde. Very clear missions you can actually feel like you're a part of. Give the game time. It has the chance to become seriously incredible if they devote themselves to improving the systems in play before adding much more content.

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    • Sad but true.

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    • We all knoe xur killed becoming a "legend"

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    • Edited by MrJones203: 11/27/2014 3:50:24 PM
      Most epic battle I ever had in destiny was where "enemies moving against each other" happened right on top of the loot cave. It was me and a handful of other people getting zerged from both ends of the map and fighting to guard something that actually mattered (our glitched spawn area). Still lol every time I think about that place, how it drew people to work together, hang out, be social in ways the "intended way" never did.

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    • This is the most accurate and well written critique and comment that I have read on these forums. I love Destiny but have to admit that you are correct on all points. Well done for putting into words so succinctly what many of us have been feeling. Honestly, really well written. Thanks.

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    • I personally love to play Destiny but feel I can agree with many of the points made in this post. Also this post was well done, in my opinion. I will continue to play Destiny and I am sure enjoy it, but it could have indeed been so much more.

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    • Well said, especially that last line. Nothing matters what we do. There is no ongoing struggle, there is nothing dynamic that motivates us. Just the same enemies waiting at the same places, waiting to get killed for the millionth time. Everything is lifeless and static. Playing Destiny feels like a chore. This game has much potential, but it has realized only a fraction of it. Bungie hasn't stated anything that makes me feel like things are going to change. They aren't. Everyone is the same. Everyone looks the same, everyone's got the same gear. Few people might be lacking a few weapons or armors or haven't done the raid as many times or suck at PvP more than others (like I do), but everything is the same. Always. Even the "social" aspect is a joke, and there is no seamless multiplayer in this game. It just isn't there. Seams are everywhere, punching you in the face. ------------------------ I've been playing Dragon Age Inquisition for a while now. Despite the numerous bugs, glitches and having anything nice you say to another person of the same sex to be some kind of homosexual flirt (although it's almost as clumsy with people of the opposite sex, sigh), the game is made for players to enjoy. I won't compare the different genres, just what the developement team had in mind. They wanted to have the players to have FUN, IMMERSION and OPTIONS. There are countless little things that are in the game just to make the experience better for the player. Several of which players probably didn't even ask. Much attention to detail and the quality of time we, the players, are pouring into the game. With Destiny, every bug, glitch and connection error just feels like an insult to injury, not something that is easily forgiven. If you're making it a lifeless grind, at least have it work properly. No other games make people to buy new routers, dammit. And this is where I pull the "500 million dollars" card too. That said, I've played Destiny far more than I originally thought. I've been playing it a lot and I like some things about it (especially O'Donnells music, hope he finds another job among people who are glad to have his talents). It just isn't as fun as it could be, it's just static and disengaging. It feels like a job. Eventually this kind of focus from the dev team will turn people against their product.

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    • I totally agree. Destiny just didn't feel like you were involved in the universe. Nothing was ever changing. The "darkness" was nothing. There was no story. It was simply boring. I have been playing Dragon Age lately, and that game really makes it feel like you are changing the world, like you a true guardian. It also has 100 times more content and space. It's such a better game than Destiny and it hurts know just how great Destiny could have been. Between the lies, false adevertisement, lack of story, and cut content, Bungie destroyed the potential of Destiny and, in my eyes, themselves.

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    • Omg this man is so freaking right destiny is all religion and it needs to change they keep you interested with on legendary u already have sooner or later it's etting worse and worse

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