Just Incase you don't know, there are 4 different types of VoGers, the Narcissist, the Helper, the Newbie and the BA Silent dude.
This thread is just for lolzies! Don't get offended if you happen to be one of them!
The Helper is the kind of guy who helps out the Newbies and tends to get things done.
The Newbie is a guy who has only played VoG a couple of times. They usually get yelled at by the Narcissist.
The Narcissist is the annoying guy who does not much but tells people what to do, and treats people like idiots if they ask a simple question.
The professional, he eats, breathes and sleeps the raid. If you have questions, go Blam!- yourself, noob. If you've never done a part a certain way, clearly you're holding the group back. If by chance you die in the hard raid you need to be kicked. The only person who can die is him, because you should have been there to help with that praetorian or obviously the game glitched. When you go back and check the stats, this world eating bad ass has the most deaths and the least kills.
The Mavericks, he'd just as soon run off on his own and blaze his own trail. He always knows the best routes and methods so why would he listen to the group. In the gorgon route he takes alternate paths, when it changes the Gorgon's path it's clearly your fault. He's gonna pick up the relic before anyone gets a chance, when he dies it was your fault you didn't help clear the mobs because you had to focus shots for oracles. [/spoiler]
The BA Silent Dude is the one guy who doesn't talk a lot, only when important, but they tend to get fecal matter done. If they're the fire team leader, they tend to boot Narcissists.
[quote]They are the guys that are between the helpers and the narcissists. They lead the group and explain every step and everyone's role. They accept newbies or level 29 for hard raids if they can hold their own and listen and follow directions[/quote]
Lap Dogs:
[quote]The lap dog, this yes man is accompanying his friend who is the real deal. He spends the raid taking cues from said friend while ridiculing anyone else's mistakes. His actions ineptitude does not matter cause his boy is carrying you scrubs.[/quote]
Where is the "Confused Stoner" category?
He called that sh*t fecal matter :)
im a BA silent dude
I don't know what I fall in to. Usually I'm the helper, as I love explaining the mechanics and forming strategies with the Newbies. However, I have a 6 man raid group who I'm very close to and run it with every week, and whenever we start having problems (usually on Atheon) I do tend to get a bit irritated. This is only because we all know the Raid inside and out and the silly mistakes cost us. However, we're all still friends in the end when we get our 3 energies and chatter whites!
im the narcissist helper/leader. I love calling guys out for doing dumb stuff like fighting atheon with shotgun equip or for not being a respectable raider because you hesitate on the relic or cant solo a gatekeeper. I always get scrubs who are scared of the relic 29-30s even.
I'm the mix between helper and silent ba. Except when I'm with my friends. Then I'm the narcissist.
Mix of silent BA and helper. Don't talk much but if someone needs help always willing to lend a hand and give some pointers, always helping people go through even after completing it for the week
Lol I've had atleast one of each on my fireteam often
There's ALWAYS that one guy Guys... Its not hard *ragequits after 2 wipes*
I'm the hunter...nobody wants hunters in their VoG group...
I dont have a mic so I guess Im the BA Silent Dude.
LOL, some guys at my previous employer used to call me BA (even though I'm white, don't wear bling, rarely drink milk and not afraid to fly), but I guess in this context it kind of suits me. I'll keep to myself, but if needed to I'll keep the party focused on the task and if the leader is a failure I'll steer the group in the right direction.
Well, I'm glad that no trolls have been here, well one, but no names...
I am the morale buff of the group, using bIce breakers in both a literal and verbal sense to keep a team motivated. also a Marksman.
You forgot the ... Type, the ones who haven't been able to do it
Depends. I'm bi-polar.
Im more the guy who knows the raid so much that I never take it seriously anymore i just play for fun do my part n get it done mainly have fun the whole time with friends kinda treating it like a daily story mission that we just gotta get out the way
Haha some of these are so true, I'm normally BA Silent dude if with randoms, but if I'm with my normal team we're all BANTERSAURUS REX'S
I'm leader when I want to raid and actually breeze through the VoG I'm a teacher on Sunday's and help an endless amount of new players and fire teams through their first raid. I'm a narcissist whenever the raid team tells me I'm doing everything wrong. I'm a Silent BA when I just want to get Atheon completions..
I'm the BA Silent Guy always solo'ing something and nobody else notices until after it happened. ;D Need help? Send me in.
Normal gatekeeper xb1 GT DAY 2 WIN
Edited by Weesil xD: 11/27/2014 11:47:19 PMI'm none of those..lol Talkative but helpful. I don't want noobs, because I would like it done easily. Not really bothered by how long it takes to do it, depends how much patience I have that day. I don't mind using the relic, but if something dumb happens I'll tell you.
I'm silent dude
GT: l SonOfAthens l Level 30 Warlock Level 29 Titan Level 26 Hunter Willing to Help with the Hard Raid with my Warlock and Titan. Willing to Help out with the Normal Raid with my Hunter. (Experienced with the Raid) Message me if I'm on and ill help. (Xbox One)
I feel like I identify as a cross of BA dude and noobie. That last part only because I've done the raid a few times, but I know what I do the best, and I usually only banter with my teammates in between encounters, or state what I'm doing and where during the bosses.
Is there a section for the people who just can't do some sections? I used to be terrible at the gorgons maze and everyone would yell at me for falling behind or taking a different route on the tops of rocks so they wouldn't see me. :c