No it is. I also enjoy playing with a sniper but im actually good with it. So my kd doesn't suffer bcuz i get enough kills to keep it high.
Your speaking to a sniper that gets above 10 kd's when playing with a team I can trust to take objectives so I can defend them, vehicle warfare on first light is amazing, 44 kills 0 deaths. I know what I'm doing but still I don't care for kd's as it means nothing due to the amount of exploiters, unlimited heavy ammo must of dropped my kd for example, still doesn't mean anything for skill.
Kid calm down youre kd is garbage stop thinking youre hard shit ill smoke you in a heart beat.
My kd's higher then yours and I don't even care for it. failed troll ahaha
Kid has no life just drop it. People who feel entitled are just compensating for something if you know what I mean. We got nothing to prove to them because we could care less
Youre hiest kd is 1.36 ? Really lol
If you say so :)