I hit rank 5 in IB and I don't want to get the IB gear because it's poo, so I'm wearing the raid gear.
It's the opposite for me. I'd rather reload my auto rifle faster than my special -_-.
It's more than That, raid armor offers more
Eh, other than maybe stat differences the only thing I've seen on all legendary arms are reload x weapon faster and melee faster/throw grenades farther/melee hits restore grenade energy. Boots are just increase heavy ammo capacity which is nice but I can carry 999 rounds of AE ammo where ever I go lol. I use my primary a lot more often than I do my special so having that quicker reload is nice, plus the stats on my current armor (dead orbit/vanguard/crucible) refresh my grenade and super quickly enough. For the play style I like, being 29 is better than going for 30 and possibly having to change my load out.
I agree on some points but I prefer having the additional support perks for pve and for warlocks I find them extremely useful for PvP as well. I guess its a matter of opinion and play style.
Which perks? 0_0
I'll get back to you on that tomorrow lol, not on destiny right now but I know I wouldn't have a arm or piece worn for no reason
No it doesn't
Yes it does, you get more for your melee attack, supers and grenades as well. All depending on the class
In my case, IB gear is better than raid gear. I use Icebreaker in the raid so faster reload isn't needed and I have the Armentarium so the heavy weapon ammo doesn't stack anymore. The IB gear gives me perks I can actually use, faster reload with scout rifles and more ammo with scout rifles. It's all about playstyle!
Tru' dat.