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11/25/2014 9:45:44 PM
"Assuming". OMG, that's rich. Dude, if you're so freakin' happy with Destiny, thinking it perfect, then go play your little CoD clone. It's perfect for certain people who can't do more than twitch. It's also okay for folks who want to turn their brains off for a little while and just break things. I can understand that to a point. But it by no means deserves this much devotion. It's just the fragmented parts to a game engine begging for an actual game. But your assumptions are just too funny. I play games for entertainment. Not to define my whole existence around. Call me a scrub. Call me a casual. It doesn't bother me, even when its not true. I consider the source of the accusation and say, "meh". I've been playing electronic games for over 30 years, probably over 35 years now (sheesh). Both casually and seriously, depending on the game. I have also studied game design and development, as well as Statistics, Simulation and Modeling, and Systems Engineering. So I understand the mechanics and architecture behind games. I also follow the Games Industry, paying attention to the Entertainment Software markets across multiple platforms. I also work in Software Development, not in games (too volatile, doesn't pay as well), but I understand development life-cycles and product design. Occasionally, I find a game I can "hardcore" on. And after a dearth of good titles, I was hoping Destiny was going to be that game. I was a long-time customer and fan of Bungie's work, going back to "Pathways Into Darkness". I know what they are capable of. And on their reputation, I pre-ordered and joined the beta for Destiny. I was there for launch day. The game simply does not live up to what it should be, certainly not what it was purported to be. The good news, I thought, was that because it was capable of dynamic updates, the product had the potential to be corrected and improved. But in the time since the game's release, things have only gotten worse, not better. Things that were not broken were "fixed" and made worse. While actual bugs and problems were given trite lip-service at best or out-right ignored. You think I am part of the crowd that wanted game elements nerfed? You are far wrong. There are things broken in the game that Bungie is apparently uninterested in making right. They seem only interested in taking our money and stringing us along. So my first purpose in these forums is to offer feedback, but while our words seem to fall on deaf ears, we're here hoping to see if Bungie will wake up. I guess many of us are holding out hope that things might somehow turn around, and it certainly won't if we don't tell them. But then we're being told to shut up and go away by mindless little defenders who like the status quo, without any rational argument. Some do not want the game to be improved, or to even be delivered the original game we were first sold upon. It seems all they want is to have their pointless little battle ground to shoot other players. And for them the world of Destiny is just a skin for the same sort of shoot'em-up they could do in too many other mediocre titles. So I am your basic disgruntled customer. I was sold a lemon of a vehicle, and want some way to get [i]something[/i] out of this investment. And I have just as much right to criticize the management as you do to praise it. As does the OP. Hence my criticism of your response. You might tire of these other customers raising their voices in these forums — a venue that is designed for that purpose, I remind you — but were you to get your way in telling us to leave, it would be the rest of you left behind who would eventually suffer. Because without our input, you will get nothing but mediocre and broken games. Our voices might not end up changing anything, but if all Bungie hears is this echo chamber, I can guarantee nothing good will come about.

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