This thread may have been done before, but I figured we could get a few good laughs out of this (or just fun in general). Post your best Destiny pick-up lines. Let's see how clever the community is...
I'll start:
Is that Exo Stranger a Transformer? Cuz that bod is Optimus Fine.
Roses are red, violets are blue, if I were a Ghost, I'd choose you.
EDIT: Well done so far! Keep the lols coming!
I'm a warlock. Let's shag.
I just popped my super It wont be ready again for 2 minutes
Guy: hey, you look like a total skank. Girl: WTF is your problem?! [i]*slaps guy*[/i] Guy: Well i got three level 30 characters in Destiny so i can basically get away with murder. Skank. Girl: OMG! [i]*jumps guy and starts licking his face*[/i] can we go home to your place like RIGHT NOW?!?!
Girl your name must be Destiny. Cause you keep making promises that you don't do. Lmaoo
ive FALLEN for you
This isn't mine read it the other day in reference to the stranger "are those pants purple, because that arse is legendary!"
Edited by Talk2MeToner: 11/26/2014 3:22:45 PMI'm like an oracle baby I'll make you Succumb
"I'm not the Cryptarch but I see something Legendary I want to unlock."
I wanna fist of havoc your heart of fiery pyraxis.
Babe are you a fallen because I'm going to kill you, all of your leaders and everyone you ever knew or cared about.
Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?...[spoiler]not Destiny related but yolo[/spoiler]
If you wanna level up you have to go below :-)
I want to screw you like the Crytarch in September...
Destiny is a stripper's name.
Hey girl, is it me or is your hive awakening??
Edited by ariesdragon123: 11/27/2014 6:46:43 PMNice armor, what's the drop rate? Today is National Sparrow Awareness Day, for the sake of saving the sparrows I'm going to have ask that you ride me instead. ;) Your name must be engram, because I've hoping to get your pants to drop all day. Why don't you come join my party, and I'll help you lose control.
Is your ass a relic? Cuz I really feel like grabbing it in the next 5 seconds.
Hey girl! Whatcha say to us forming a fire team and raiding your dark below! (I cringed writing this but lol!)
Edited by LumberJesus: 11/26/2014 3:35:37 PMAre you an exotic? Cause I've been looking for you all day
How bout you let me put my sword of Crota into your Hellmouth.
Id nova bomb her oracle.
Don't worry baby. My buddy the gorgon just likes to watch
This isn't a pickup line. I just want to remind all you thirsty guardians that you need to be carful, because shanks have harpies.
"Why yes, that IS a [i]Gjallahorn[/i] in my pocket."
You can't avoid the Truth
I "could tell you" how hot you are.