This thread may have been done before, but I figured we could get a few good laughs out of this (or just fun in general). Post your best Destiny pick-up lines. Let's see how clever the community is...
I'll start:
Is that Exo Stranger a Transformer? Cuz that bod is Optimus Fine.
Roses are red, violets are blue, if I were a Ghost, I'd choose you.
EDIT: Well done so far! Keep the lols coming!
Man: Yo gurl i must peirce the the veil of your summoning pits Girl: blushes
Edited by khanspiracy: 11/28/2014 4:44:29 AMI don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to put on a condom.
You're like Suros Regime [spoiler]out of style[/spoiler]
do u like flying or riding
"Baby, if I raid you, there will be an unknown surprise for you at the end."
"Hey girl, just so you know, I'm coming will be my last word."
Girl are you a field scout? Cuz you just extended my magazine.
Edited by Toasty: 1/7/2015 5:35:06 AMWana open my legendary engram? Oops my motes of light came out..
Edited by zortcommander: 7/23/2015 1:45:34 AMAre you the Vex Mythoclast? Cuz that body is sleek
Hard light ain't the only thing that's hard
The Destiny nightfall is Winters Run with Arc-on
Hi [spoiler]All the ladies just fainted[/spoiler]
Credit to Mr.Fruit Girl nice pants. What's their drop rate? My own I think... Crota: How often have you gotten my black hammer? Girl: 2 times from you 13 times from hard. Hard??? How? Girl: Sorry I gotta go. Oryx called. Taters... :)
So I've heard you love playing with orbs well I got two right here for you
Hey girl wanna see my hard light
The elements of "Blade dancing" >:) When you are doing solar damage, you have to slow down. When you are doing void damage, you have to stop. When you are doing arc damage, too late...
When i see you i waste my super... CAUSE MY BLADE IS DANCING RIGHT NOW!
ill put my crotas end in ur dark below
ill make u more wet than venus
Do want to go with me on a vacation? monte carlo
Is there a sync plate in your pants? Because my spire is rising.
"Hey girl, are those pants purple? *puts on sunglasses "Because dat ass is legendary!"
( every pick up line in a few words) Bitch Please
Let me throw on my Radiant Dance Machines, whipout my Black Hammer so it can meet your Vestian Dynasty, and make a Secret Handshake while we have hot Vex. ;)
Prepare Uranus for that Venus
Are you an awoken cause you've just awoken my spire.