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11/25/2014 4:43:51 PM
The first two weeks after the Raid came out, I was for matchmaking and didn't want to spend time away from the game to get players together for a Raid. After a while, I got fed up and went on this forum and found a good casual VoG and Nightfall clan. I spent a total of 3 minutes on the forum and after adding the leader on PSN, I was put into a group chat of players from the clan (60+ people) all looking to raid or do nightfall strikes at various times during the week. Slowly but surely after that, I made new friends from raiding with them through mutual friends within the clan or on my friends list. For example: I have one friend I met during a clan raid. He has his own set of raiding buddies outside the clan, and invites me and I add everyone I don't know in the raid. Your friends list grows pretty fast once you get that snowball rolling. Also, looking at the mechanics of the Raid, it's difficult with a full group of guys with communication your first few times. Now it's not hard for me because everyone I go with is 29-30 and we've all run the raid countless times, but if you were just thrown into a random pool of matchmade Guardians, your chances of success would be low. You could have trolls that would halt your progress within the raid until he/she left, players who don't have a mic, full teams of new and inexperienced players, players from across the world that can hurt your groups overall latency, poorly leveled teammates (could be fixed with a filter, but would still alienate people since noone would set the filter below 28/27 for the normal raid), and more that I can't think of off the top of my head upon writing this.

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