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11/25/2014 2:39:17 PM
You can't understand the viewpoint of a casual player when you have no life outside of gaming. This topic isn't for you.

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  • Ouch! Don't have a legitimate thing to say so attack someone directly, good persuasion technique.

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  • Truth stings

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  • Lol

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  • BLiTZ is correct, aside from the attack. Casual gamers are people who turn on a game and play. They are not going to spend additional time browsing websites about the game or trying to coordinate anything - they probably don't even know that these websites exist that help organize raids. If you don't provide built-in mechanisms within the game, then that feature isn't going to be used by casuals. I've ran into quite a few that don't even know what the Grimoire is or how to access it - they are intelligent beings but gaming is not a top priority in their life so they don't seek out any additional information outside of what is on the actual game disc.

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  • The first two weeks after the Raid came out, I was for matchmaking and didn't want to spend time away from the game to get players together for a Raid. After a while, I got fed up and went on this forum and found a good casual VoG and Nightfall clan. I spent a total of 3 minutes on the forum and after adding the leader on PSN, I was put into a group chat of players from the clan (60+ people) all looking to raid or do nightfall strikes at various times during the week. Slowly but surely after that, I made new friends from raiding with them through mutual friends within the clan or on my friends list. For example: I have one friend I met during a clan raid. He has his own set of raiding buddies outside the clan, and invites me and I add everyone I don't know in the raid. Your friends list grows pretty fast once you get that snowball rolling. Also, looking at the mechanics of the Raid, it's difficult with a full group of guys with communication your first few times. Now it's not hard for me because everyone I go with is 29-30 and we've all run the raid countless times, but if you were just thrown into a random pool of matchmade Guardians, your chances of success would be low. You could have trolls that would halt your progress within the raid until he/she left, players who don't have a mic, full teams of new and inexperienced players, players from across the world that can hurt your groups overall latency, poorly leveled teammates (could be fixed with a filter, but would still alienate people since noone would set the filter below 28/27 for the normal raid), and more that I can't think of off the top of my head upon writing this.

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  • I agree with everything that you said. I'm still in support for matchmaking because it allows casuals to run the activity which is what they want even if they won't be able to complete it. Casuals in most cases aren't aware of these forums and scheduling a raid time isn't always realistic. Personally, my raiding is limited because I play when I get the chance. I do not have set times for when I can game which means I need to run pickup-raids that ideally complete within 2 hours. Matchmaking raids will most likely not get past the templar battles unless there is a veteran to guide them, but I've completed the raid a couple of times with a complete set of randoms (though they all had done the raid once before). My first time through the raid as a lvl 27 we had 2-3 new raiders and didn't hit our first real wipe until the gatekeeper (our first wipe was at the gorgons and was on purpose so that we could start back at the gorgon spawn after getting both chests). My point is that you just need someone experienced who can explain the mechanics and you need a group that is willing to listen. They don't even all need to have mics, though it helps. I would expect some matchmaking raid parties to complete the activity more often than estimated, especially on normal.

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  • Thank you

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  • I know It was meant more directed at Bungie... but apparently I am the devil incarnate

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