Moved to the feedback forum, might actually get feedback there.
Lol what do you want us to say? Great! Endlessly fighting hives and searching for the right doors :/ Teamwork? What is exactly difficult about it? So 3 people defend and 3 go through the doors and those that went through the wrong ones regroup 3 people defend the whole time and the other 2 will go to the right door and repeat for however many times and then what? Next area? What happens when 3 reaches the new area...what happens to the guys defending the altar? It seems tedious and not very difficult compared to the complexity of the relic/cleanse system.
There's enough fighting waves in the game as it is. I don't want to use my dinklage anymore
Actually a nice Idea but I hope for somethingbmore EPIC )
Geez, what does it take to get some attention around here?
I was hoping for feedback when I posted this...
Bump for feedback