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Edited by Jon: 11/24/2014 2:28:43 PM

Petition to remove blade dancers increased health/damage resistance during super

Yes -remove blade dancers increased health/damage


No - keep it as is


doesnt matter, blade dancers will still be too OP


only way to even the playing field imo... cant wait for the hate comments by blade dancers on this one... *edit* lol @ all the hunters hatin the petition *edit 2* lol! lookin at the profiles of the of the haters of this petition (all hunters) their super kills are 15-25% of all kills. take that away and theyre all garbage.. play hunter and cheese crucible!
#Destiny #Dee_j

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  • how about you add one more, with "ADD more health and damage resistance" because even as is right now, dies incredible fast. hunter still is the most squishy of them all. you wanna talk about damage resistance during super? what about INVINCIBLE, is that enough resistance for you? because warlocks and titans have that much resistance during supers...

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    2 Replies
    • Then can we have Sunsinger not get an additional shield when Radiance is active and no damage resistance for them either? Because one hit melees one them is enough right? Don't forget you get infinite grenades and can still shoot.

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      • The arc blade is certainly a frustrating super to deal with, however completely removing the regen would render it almost useless. The reason I imagine everyone has a problem with it is because they believe they are being cheated out of a kill because they have time to see the Bladedancer coming towards them and shoot a few times before they are killed. This is the same frustration they experience when they get smashed by the fist of havoc, and when blasted by a nova bomb. The super abilities are inherently over powered, and although the current metagame favors blade dancers, a permanent nerf would open the doors for further nerfs for other supers which would make the game boring. Some good ways to counter arc blade include, team fire, backpedaling while hip firing, shotgun melee, fusion rifle and jet packing, Fist of havoc (carrying a pocketful of nope), nova bomb, rockets, and the list goes on. You win some you lose some, but when the nerf bat gets swung it's not fun for anyone.

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      • Edited by Seven: 11/24/2014 7:45:28 PM
        Literally the only reason this works for gunslinger is because they can attack from range and aim quickly..,BDs need to be up close and very vulnerable to actually use their super. That in mind, I don't think I've been killed by blade dance in a long long while. There's a lot of super canceling that goes along with hunters...I mean, and any class really, if I see a guy about to hop on my teammates at a zone and we're communicating, I'll probably get a kill before they can land if I have line of sight. Let's also not forget just how easy it is for heavy weapons to make short work of bladedancers, and how focus fire from a strategic team is always a viable option. Hunters barely have agility over other classes, bladedancer at the very least has invisibility, and gunslinger rewards precision, both of these come at the cost of being incredibly squishy in comparison to titans and warlocks. Most of their[hunters] grenades are underpowered/skill based, you need to be using trip mines intelligently rather than tossing in a guaranteed AOE bomb. Their melee is easily the worst of the three classes, keep in mind that scorch melee can hit you from extended range and one shots you whilst giving the warlock an over shield...whereas I can throw my knife into someone's head and they won't die (this actually pisses me off beyond belief, as the throwing knife has a pretty steep usage curve that isn't rewarded at all...) hunters have supers that have a time burn and a potential to kill more spread out groups, it's a different super type than titans and warlocks and has more potential for being used to maintain sprees, but there's certainly a trade off for getting that kind of super. Edit:Thanks for the likes guys! Just my honest opinion haha.

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        9 Replies
        • ... You're kidding, right?

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        • Petition to remove YOU from the forums.

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          2 Replies
          • In the event this is not a troll; Not all people that said no are hunters. Used all classes up to 27 at the least. Still said no, supers are supposed to be powerhouses, meant to be OP. Stop ranting about your inability to kill another player using a [i]super[/i], some have said below, factually, it doesn't take a lot to kill bladedancers.

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          • I don't play pvp with my hunter but ur poll is crap. I've played with my titan on pvp and hunters aren't that difficult to take down. In closed quarters you will probably die but in an open space there's plenty time to kill them

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          • <<<<<Hater here, look at my profile

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          • But then it won't be so 'super'

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          • I think they should make the blade dancer insanely fast but with normal health since I thought they were supposed to be ninja like. The whole point of a ninja is to avoid taking hits not to be a walking tank with a knife.

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          • Warlocks and Titans can wipe out multiple people in PVP with one button. Yeah maybe bladedancers like myself are button mashers, but at least we have to press more than one button to take out a room of guys.

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          • I hate hunters and I still think nerfing them is dumb.

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            • Only if they do the same is Panic Button FOH

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            • You can look at my profile Jon. As you can see my hunter isn't my "main". You are making edits laughing at the hunters not liking your petition, but I notice you don't play as a hunter yourself so you too are missing perspective. You notice when arc blade kills you, but what you don't notice is when it fails. Trust me, with arc blade active hunters don't become unstoppable killing machines that just wipe out the map. Things that kill arc bladers: - Someone seeing you from a distance with a lot of space between you and them - Multiple people all firing at you (and they all can aim) - Heavy machine guns and rocket launchers - Other supers - Weird spaces on the map where you are standing right next to someone but still haven't hit them after multiple melee attacks - Pikes

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            • I've read through a few of these posts and frankly, there are people who don't even play the class disagreeing with you. Garbage post. I give you a 2/10 for effort... and spelling.

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            • Lol just looked at your profile hahahaha. Trolololol. You are bad. Just bad out of not even 500 kills you have 100+++ super kills of your own. Bahahah aha. Madcuzbad

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            • If you do that then you have to take away the titan and warlock damage resistance

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            • Youre an idiot. Without the damage resistance it will be rendered useless in pve. The fact that you can't deal with blade dancers in pvp shows you're just bad. Get rekt

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            • If you or anyone else can't kill a blade dancer it's entirely your own fault. You can kill them in ONE to two shotgun shots, grenade kill them after one or two auto rifle or scout shots, two hit them with a sniper, one hit with rockets, three or four LMG rounds, shoulder charge them, theres a huge list of ways to take them out of play in seconds [b]on your own. [/b] if you have another person around then you have no excuse. Actually the main reason people die to blade dancers is that when they see one, they panic and start to play like fools rather than focusing on the best way to kill them. Their panic leads to handling the target poorly and being killed. Players like that are part of the problem, not the solution. The solution is killing them, the problem is apparently you're too incompetent to do so for one reason or another. Just like every other class, they have things others don't but there's a trade off. Hunters get a ranged super and a super they can move around with, but the ranged super has no damage resistance and the blade dancer can move for 10 seconds or so, but each swipe lowers the timer and they only seem to have 10% damage resistance or less. The warlock can be difficult to kill during nova bomb at times, especially if they gained their shield and even more hard to kill if they have the helmet that makes them tougher during nova bomb. The sunsinger warlock basically has 30% damage resistance, and a Titan basically goes invincible during its super.... Rather than bitch for a nerf anytime you begin to die often one way, try bitching at yourself for dying so much without coming up with strategies to counter your issue. Seriously, the shit you can learn just by thinking about how you play and how your opponent plays can be so helpful.

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            • Go play as one ... bet you'll shut up after.

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              • A special where you have to run at people shouldn't have increased health. K.

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              • I imagine this poll didn't go exactly as you expected it to. Btw, I voted to keep it as is, and I don't even play hunter. ;)

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              • I play all 3 classes, started with a hunter. Blade dancer is not as crazy as you guys make it out to be. Other supers beat it out plus they're panic buttons. I've had countless supers lost because as my guy was doing his little animation a Titan just smashed the shit out of me. Also 2-3 well place shot gun blasts end it before they even get started, as they can be killed during their power up, unlike the other classes. My found verdict ended a hunter as he was powering up right next to me before he even got a chance to make a swipe at me, and his super was gone after that. Conclusion. You're being a bitch about it.

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              • Edited by Samcara Tree: 11/24/2014 7:45:29 PM
                [quote]The wrong way to even the playing field FTW... cant wait for the hate comments by other players on this one... *edit* lol @ all the hunters hating the petition due to its illegitimate reasons. *edit 2* lol! lookin at the profiles of the of the haters of this petition (all legit players) their super kills are 15-25% of all kills. take that away and theyre all using their weapons, grenades, and melee... play hunter and cheese crucible![/quote] [i]Or[/i]...they will switch to golden gun and one hit you, and if they nerf that also, they switch classes and nuke the dit with nova bomb, and if that nerfs they'd sunsing, or hit everyone with the striker smash, or bubble up with the defender and a shotgun. Stop whining, supers point complaining about it, I take on ever class and kill them, even the blade dancer. Play the raid, get good gear, level it up and try and get skilled at PvP. If you cannot or will not do that, then stop playing Destiny or at least the PvP. - P.S. : Also, my kills are mostly weapon based, so hop off the horse kid, your walking home.

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              • Where are you getting the kills by super from? If it's the ability kills, that also includes your special melee

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