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Edited by Jon: 11/24/2014 2:28:43 PM

Petition to remove blade dancers increased health/damage resistance during super

Yes -remove blade dancers increased health/damage


No - keep it as is


doesnt matter, blade dancers will still be too OP


only way to even the playing field imo... cant wait for the hate comments by blade dancers on this one... *edit* lol @ all the hunters hatin the petition *edit 2* lol! lookin at the profiles of the of the haters of this petition (all hunters) their super kills are 15-25% of all kills. take that away and theyre all garbage.. play hunter and cheese crucible!
#Destiny #Dee_j

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  • Their health is fine, it's a super so you're supposed to feel powerful. What I would say is to shorten the time they're in bladedancer.

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  • This dude talks shit about hunters and then makes a petition to remove blade dancer.. And then he makes edits about how all the hunters are mad.. No shit retard

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  • But Titans and warlocks are literally invincible during nova bomb and fist of havoc

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    15 Replies
    • Eh, blade dancers are strong, but hey, what super isn't

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    • Lol then I will just change n gold gun u four times either way I don't need my super to be to 20 on destiny tracker

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    • Shut up Meg

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    • We don't need nerfs, we just need more subclasses. You can counter the bladedancing, but you are either rocking heavy or your own super. Supers are meant to be OP, that's why they are called Super abilities. The Titan and Warlock just needs another offensive sub-class and the Hunter......well, should be a Hunter and gain another offensive ability. Everyone has the ability to create a Bladedancer...if your getting rolled up by them, join them in the hack and slash fun! I personally rather send lightning up their arse or make them eat a couple golden bullets....that or die trying!

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    • Just dodge them it's really not hard I literally killed a blade dancer with a melee attack because I outmaneuvered him and shot him till he was low and killed him

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    • This should be taken more seriously

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    • -cries- Oh wait... I'm gunslinger! :D

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    • I never use blade dancer. I've literally only used blade dancer twice in the Crucible. I hate using it. On that note no I don't think they should remove it. Then the super would be completely useless. It's already useless in pve. It doesn't need to be made worse. If they take away blade dancer's damage resistance then they should reduce the area effect damage of Nova bombs and take away armor of light for titans, none of which I would agree with. Oh by the way you can't say I'm only saying this because I am a hunter. I have all three classes, all level 30 and all of which I enjoy playing on

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    • I used to complain about bladedancers... ...but then I got good.

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      4 Replies
      • How bout improved health for golden gun?

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      • Stop complaining

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      • Edited by iSeebo: 11/25/2014 1:21:25 AM
        Shut up and stop crying Keep this post bumping!

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      • I play both Warlock & Hunter, & I have to day I disagree with you. Arc Blade is definitely annoying when you don't see it coming but it's one of the few supers I can stop on my own. You have to be quick & accurate, & stop expecting not to die every time you come across one. I don't like using Arc Blade personally because I take so much damage just trying to get kills. I've never cleared the whole team before but I've seen it done. That being said, every super has its pro's & con's but I don't think any are OP. It's honestly more annoying to get FOH or Nova Bombed when you're the only person in the area. They're panic supers. Hunters supers definitely take more skill to get used to, & people complain they're OP because they're so PvP based.

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      • Edited by MuriloBFS: 11/25/2014 2:16:11 AM
        Yes, great idea. Let's also take the i-frames of fist of havoc and the extra armor of nova bomba. -blam!- the skull helmet. Better yet, let's put a 1s delay on Fist of Havoc / Nova Bomb's activation, just like Arc Blade / Golden Gun / Radiance. And you know what? Shoulder Charge shouldn't be one hit kill. Throwing knife isn't. Scorch isn't. Now that I've mentioned it, Scorch shouldn't give a shield on hit, it should be on kill like desintegrate, hungering blade and the voidwalker melee. See my point, mate? All classes has their pros and cons. Arc Blade and Golden Gun lets you wander the map while using your super, but you can be killed. Activating it as a panic button like most Strikers do is a certain death because of the activation delay. I've reached rank 5 at the Iron Banner and I've seen lots of blade dancers destroyed by shotgun/fusion rifle spam. Learn how to use all classes and you'll also learn how to beat them.

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      • I don't like nerfing we had enough already. BTW I'm a warlock

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      • If you can't kill a bladedancer them you are just bad

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      • The people have spoken. No to yet more attempted nerfs. Stop whining and change tactics.

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      • Sounds good, just remove it from Titans and Warlocks as well so they don't have a panic button invincibility. Also remove the invulnerability from a reviving Sunslinger, it's completely unfair that Blade Dancer and Gunslinger can be killed when activating their super but a warlock can revive with over shields, infinite grenades, and OHK melee.

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      • Look at all these narcissistic Hunters... All these crybabies... All these tears... Joyful day.

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      • Edited by Aik: 11/25/2014 1:03:35 AM
        I've decided to embrace it, so I picked the last option. Face it, don't matter what you do anyone who picked Bladedancer has already won. Of you take our shields we just use the invisibility to take everyone out quietly. You thought having a tempest of arc light screaming at you was scary, imagine not knowing when your death will come. We don't need good grenades or one shot melees, there is no substitute for genius and hard work You can check out my profile all you want, I'm not scared of showing anyone

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      • If you use a shotgun like 90% of the people in crucible, you can easily kill someone in blade dancer. Honestly, i would say that fist of havoc, void bomb, and gunslinger are much more op than blade dancer. Stop annoying every one on the forums just cause you can't kill a guy on his super.

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      • The titan is the one who is overpowered

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      • Are you joking? Bladedancers are already easy enough to kill. Removing their defense boost will not only make them useless in Crucible but it will also destroy any hopes they ever had at becoming good in PvE. It is stupidly easy enough to kill bladedancers as it is, all it takes me is a well placed fusion/magnet grenade and several shots of a good weapon. I have even killed Bladedancers with nothing more than a few Invective shots followed by a melee. Not to mention the damage done by a good burst of a fusion rifle. Supers are meant to be good, and the Bladedancer is terrible anywhere other than Crucible. Let it be.

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