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Edited by Jon: 11/24/2014 2:28:43 PM

Petition to remove blade dancers increased health/damage resistance during super

Yes -remove blade dancers increased health/damage


No - keep it as is


doesnt matter, blade dancers will still be too OP


only way to even the playing field imo... cant wait for the hate comments by blade dancers on this one... *edit* lol @ all the hunters hatin the petition *edit 2* lol! lookin at the profiles of the of the haters of this petition (all hunters) their super kills are 15-25% of all kills. take that away and theyre all garbage.. play hunter and cheese crucible!
#Destiny #Dee_j

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  • Why? Blade Dancer is not Op.

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  • Get out of here dude, I could go on and on about other classes supers being OP like my warlock or the titans shoulder charge or ground pound...leave the blade dancers alone...I enjoy using mine once in a while and when I go against them there are many ways to stop them! Just get better at pvp dude!

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    2 Replies
    • as someone with a 30 hunter i think it is op. i dont get why arc blade has such high armour and golden gun gets none. both supers are pretty useless in pve so why is arc blade so much more useful than golden gun?

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      3 Replies
      • As a guy who runs gunslinger I can't stand using blade dancer cos I suck at it. Having 4 one shot kills is much more deadlier than zipping around the map waiting to get shot. Having said that, gunslingers don't get any extra shield while using the super. Gunslingers > all other supers

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      • Prob a warlock speaking.. Shut up hunters don't have good pve perks and your bashing on a hunters ability in pvp.. Zip it scorch melee noob

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      • And Fist of Havok/Nova Bomb aren't OP?

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        3 Replies
        • As a Titan I find most supers pretty even

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        • Why r the blade dancers hating?? We r clearly winning this at 74%.

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        • [quote]only way to even the playing field imo... cant wait for the hate comments by blade dancers on this one... *edit* lol @ all the hunters hatin the petition *edit 2* lol! lookin at the profiles of the of the haters of this petition (all hunters) their super kills are 15-25% of all kills. take that away and theyre all garbage.. play hunter and cheese crucible![/quote] Lmao you've got ur ass kicked n your so butthurt that u actually made a petition to remove bladedancer omg! Dude just get better at the game or Damn make a hunter for crying outloud lol. Talking about spoiled sport Lmao. Why don't u make a petition to add the grimoire to the game or make a petition to add our pprogression/rank with each political faction to our menu screen. Instead of having to go to the tower all the time to check. You just sound like a whiny baby making this petition. Can't win so remove it really? Lol

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        • Git gud

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        • Sorry to say: Shut up, Meg.

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        • BDs are op. keep it that way

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        • (copied from my post on Gamefaqs) I've been panic-fisted by Fist of Panic, walked around the corner into someone who immediately uses their entire Nova Bomb on just me, and killed by a Bladedancer who spammed their RB 20ft just to get me. As someone who uses Hunter and Warlock, I can tell you that Hunters are not the most powerful, they just take more thought to use than the other two classes. The timeframe where we pop our supers leaves us vulnerable, and if we die our super energy is gone. None of that "oh you didn't throw your nova bomb yet? Here, try again!" crap that Warlocks get. None of that surviving a Golden Gun shot while leaping into the air bs that Titans get. And even ignoring the supers, out grenades are crap! The only two good ones we have are Arcbolt and Tripmine grenade, but even a colorblind 4th grader isn't stupid enough to walk into that glowing disco light. Warlocks/Titans have grenade that follow their targets and Overshields that make them as "invincible" as people claim Bladedancers to be >_>. Titans have flash grenades AND a panic-bubble(which they're pretty much invincible in unless they're bad) and Shoulder Charge that always kills in one hit. Meanwhile, us Gunslingers have this weak melee and throwing knife :/ Warlocks can spawn on someone with their super armor, and spam us with grenades. Titans have more damage and armor(it's bad for Bladehunters to have armor but apparently it's okay when Titans do it multiple time per super) that they get from their panic bubble. If you say Hunters are op, you either have never used a hunter or you're salty you died and just want something to complain about. Get over yourself.

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        • Stop this. If you dont know how to counteract a bladedancer, then you need to get better at this game.

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        • Dont be a pussy

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        • Naah its fine

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        • I say give that health to the gunslingers

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        • i only have problems with BD'S when i make stupid mistakes and don't keep my distance or don't aim for the head. simple as that. adapt dude

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        • Whaaa!!! the BD kills me to easily.. Whaaa!!! Not Fair!!! Change it make it Fair!!!! That is all this post said.

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        • Wow another nerfer just adapt its easy to kill a bd

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        • I think the resistance should be lowered. Two shotgun shots and a melee should kill a bladedancer. Same goes for titan fists of havoc. That or give voidwalker some resistance while throwing the nova bomb.

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        • I think the resistance should be lowered. Two shotgun shots and a melee should kill a bladedancer. Same goes for titan fists of havoc. That or give voidwalker some resistance while throwing the nova bomb.

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        • this is stupid.... I'm leveling my 3rd class now at 18. bungie did a great job balencing this game. nothing should be nerfed

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        • If you are going to make flame polls like this, at least link your profile to the destiny app so we can all laugh at how bad you are at PvP!

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        • They do not get any extra resistance, and only get a health return if they pick the right skill in the tree. Your petition is invalid.

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          2 Replies
          • Their health is fine, it's a super so you're supposed to feel powerful. What I would say is to shorten the time they're in bladedancer.

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