I have 1 friend playing this on Xbone right now. Doesn't exactly make a raid possible does it?
There are groups out there man we are always looking for raid buddies. With matchmaking it brings on alot of problems. Trolls, afkers, and people that just do what ever would make them impossible. If you need help with the heroic, nightfall, or raid hit me up I'll help
This... How hard can a Tiger strike be? Everyone is in a hurry to set record times or something... And they make stupid mistakes, or leave everyone else behind. That's why I fear matchmaking.
Hey man add me, I'll join in, I just got my xb1 and moved my character over from 360 My gt is F1nal H0ur
That sucks dude sorry to hear have you tried the forums?
Edited by enderprime: 11/24/2014 6:45:04 AMNo, I prob should, it just seems like something they could easily implement on their end. It works great for the strike playlist and it would be great if they expanded the in-game LFG options. I can friend random ppl but coordinating a raid time with ppl you only know from a random strike is a bit.. unrealistic.
It doesn't work great on the strike playlists. People leave constantly and very rarely are open spots replaced. What if someone were to leave amid the game, would another be brought in mid game? Would you just have to back out and start again? Just go to the forums, it's super super easy and quick to find a group.
Easy remedy to the people that drop right away. 20 minute timer in between strikes. I had a cool down on my sparrow yesterday after launching my time breaker like a missile repeatedly to see if the explosion did damage to the cabal... Surely they can add a cool down to vanguard strikes that starts when you load the mission, so those that complete it can continue to the next match.
Then people that get booted due to server issues or Internet will get caught in the middle. Not a simple solution in these circumstances.