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11/23/2014 6:27:47 PM
Put this into perspective: A single Forerunner Warrior Servant comes equipped with: their basic rifle is the equivilent to a 50 caliber anti-tank sniper rifle, they also have anti-matter weaponry designed to vaporize targets, mind-link with a Promethean Commander who can perceive the battlefield in multiple higher dimensions and timelines and issue orders instantly, armor that gives the user immortality, telekinesis, the ability to fly or hover, super human strength and speed (estimated to be the strength of at least a hundred normal men based on the Didact's showings), as well as the ability to become impervious to attacks by adapting like the Borg from Star trek. They can control a million attack drones at a ratio of 1 Warrior to 1million drones, not to mention likely having hundreds to thousands of years of experience. When getting very serious, a Warrior will enter his War Sphinx, a combat Mecha designed to flatten entire cities and lay waste to continents; in these Mecha, they can pull chunks out of a planet's surface, and crash them back to the planet like meteors. Forerunner ground combat has a tendency to destroy the surface of the planet. In orbit, they're much more likely to just blow the crust off using ships that can destroy stars, causing supernova to wipe out whole solar systems in one attack. In a one on one fight, a mook Jedi versus a mook Forerunner Warrior, the Warrior would demolish the Jedi, unless you mean to tell you me you think every Jedi is on the level of Starkiller.

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  • Have you played the second force unleashed?

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  • Yes I have, why?

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  • Then you must know that there is an infinite amount of star killers.

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  • Edited by ROBERTO jh: 11/23/2014 9:15:37 PM
    You mean those degenerate Clones that could barely speak and were limited to a single secret cloning facility on Kamino? Your definition of "infinite" is rather askew. Only one Clone was ever truly successful, and he's not even canon anymore as of Disney's acquisition. But say he was, there is nothing stopping the Forerunner from bombing the planet from a light minute away if they were truly that worried about Starkiller. The Forerunners posses a numerical, industrial, technological, firepower, speed, range and versatility advantage over the SW galaxy. There are no advantages here for the SW galaxy over the Forerunners, outside of a very select few superweapons that are at best considered civilian mining equipment to the Forerunners. SW has all of its eggs in too few baskets, take those out and SW has nothing else to stand up them. That doesn't even count the Flood and Precursors, god help them.

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  • Edited by Shortbusregular: 11/23/2014 9:31:12 PM
    Lol pls SK is still a part of the universe. You seem to forget that he can also simply destroy the halos right? And before you say he can't, let's assume he can't. Then all it would take is a few more Jedi and the results would still be the same. You seem to assume that a Flood-like creature is exclusive to halo, please refer to my other points so I don't have to repeat myself. Typical pleb. Edit: here are the 7 most deadly SW weapons known to us right now

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  • Edited by ROBERTO jh: 11/23/2014 9:57:52 PM
    The biggest thing that Starkiller has ever taken down was a Star Destroyer, with [i]considerable[/i] effort. A Halo Ring is 10,000 times the size of a Star Destroyer, 30,000 times the size if we were talking about the original 12, and they can fire in any direction at any range, instantly, as the effect does not propagate through space and time, but rather ignores it and hits the target instantly. So you have to assume A) that SK is within range of the Halo B) that he will survive the automated defenses (which include Forerunner Warriors, each one capable of bringing down a city by himself) C) you have to assume he can do it at all, when the Halo can just shunt itself into a fractal dimension and be impervious to any and all damage (and besides, SK has [i[never[/i] shown the ability to bring down something the size of a planet) and then D) you have to assume he will do this 18 times to the total 18 Rings that have existed. In your fantasy, are the forerunners just sitting there doing nothing? Because that is literally the only way this would work, is if everyone in the SW universe suddenly stood still. And no, there is no creature in SW like the Flood and Gravemind, unless you can show me a creature from SW that A) is a psychic gestalt older than the universe, B) Can consume the knowledge of all it infects and improve upon alien technology, C) shut down all technology throughout 2/3rds of the galaxy, D) can create and control million-mile long indestructible strands of pure thought that can E) cut through solar systems like tissue paper and F) crush planets into black holes, can survive death to resurrect themselves at will, and G) expands a geometric rate of over 410 planets a day. As for your superweapons, again, small fry 1) The Star Forge is a glorified factory that can put out droids and ships at a pretty good rate; it is powered by the star it sits above. Forerunners can create a starship called a Planet Breaker, with no infrastructure, no factories, only a single design seed, and "grow" it within the span of a few minutes. some of the smallest fleets in the forerunner navy consisted of 70 Fortresses--100km long megaships--and 700,000 other smaller craft. They created the Onyx Shield world, a dyson sphere 2 AU in diameter (186million miles) which puts their production rates at somewhere around the equivalent of the second death star every 5 minutes. Star Forge is inconsequential to the Forerunners. 2) The sun crusher kills stars, something Forerunners can do with regular starships, and in fact was their standard mode of attack against the Flood. Simply trap it with slipspace interdiction and teleport it into another universe or throw it into a black hole. 3) The Eclipse would get a few kills in, and then be mobbed by the several hundred thousand other ships in the forerunner fleet. 4) World Devestators are basically crappier, slower and less efficient versions of the Star Forge, again, irrelevant. 5) Death Star II achieves what the Forerunners's civilians achieve; a Forerunner contracted Miner once shattered a planet out of [i]spite[/i] for his boss. Planets are considered resources to the Forerunners, and they blow them up regularly. 6) Galaxy gun is a smaller Death Star, easily trackable and destroyable 7) Centerpoint station can be traced and destroyed. All it achieves is something Forerunners always did (create and move stars; Precursors could create and move galaxies). This is my point. All SW has to offer are a select few superweapons that are outclassed by the Forerunner's regular technology. All you need to know about the forerunners.

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  • You seem to forget that the #1 on the list is all they'd need. There's no way to destroy it.

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  • Edited by AgentM24: 11/23/2014 6:57:00 PM
    A .50 caliber anti-TANK "sniper rifle" does not exist. (That's the only part I'm sure of).

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  • Anti-tank rifles do exist; they knock out the treads and vital machinery of tanks, and are capable of penetrating their armor. The human sniper rifle in Halo for example is one.

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  • In real life a .50 cal rifle was designed and intended to defeat LIGHT ARMORED VEHICLES. Tanks are heavy armor. (I'm not yelling with the caps) there is a 25mm rifle designed to knock out treads though.

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  • Ah I see. The original calculation said 50 cal anti-tank. Now I'm not sure which it is, probably somewhere in the middle.

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  • A 50 caliber bullet is actually .50 caliber, this means that the BULLET itself has a diameter of .50 inches. And a 9mm bullet is 9mm in diameter. The standard 9mm handgun fires a 9x19mm bullet the 19mm refers to the length of the CARTRIDGE as a whole (tip of bullet to base of cartridge), lots of guns are the same caliber or mm but have different overall cartridges. A good example is the standard NATO 7.62mm(.308 cal)x 51mm compared to the soviet rounds of 7.62x39(AK) and 7.62x54R (RPK,PKC,PKM, and Dragunov) R means rimmed, the cartridge has a lip or rim around the base. Or an Army M107 rifle uses a 12.7x99mm (.50 Browning Machine Gun BMG) round and a pistol uses a 12.7x33mm(.50 Action Express AE). Without the decimal point a 50 cal rifle would be shooting a bullet almost six foot in diameter(non-existent) plus tanks have very thick armor and use reactive armor, large steel boxes mounted to the exterior filled with 30 pounds of C-4 plastic explosives each. The science of this is that a large outward explosion will defeat a smaller incoming explosion or bullet. Please understand that I am NOT being smug or condescending or argumentative. As a former U.S.A. Sniper, I enjoy talking ballistics and putting out good information. Hope this helps.

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