Ya except the good players like us (I creeped your profile lol) already spent a shit ton of strange coins and 175 vangaurd points to get an upgraded bad ass sparrow, and now they are just giving them out for nothing? Why did I spend 2 weeks saving vangaurd points again? Or get one dropped on atheon? Lol
to be fair, i like the one i got from Atheon more than this new one...at least i somewhat earned it by doing the raid
Edited by g3t x trained: 11/23/2014 8:54:40 PM
Ya I haven't even got the new one but I spent the pints on one guy then the next day got the drop. I like rnd but maybe they should do class rnd? Idk I just see an issue with it cuz it takes a very long time and that sparrow wasn't a priority at the beginning, armor was so by the time people got it now the are dropping this new one and those people grind for nothing