I wana do the raid. Never attempted it before and don't have enough friends on PSN -_- help a warlock out?
I run the raid all the time, you can add me: THEUNDEAD565 if you're still looking for players. Won't be on for a bit though. You may want to look on this sight here: destinylfg.net. I go on there and offer help for people "lookin ng for groups" (lfg). Alot of groups "cheese" the templar, so for a new guy that might ruin the templar battle for you, but good luck.
Great, thanks heaps!
Destiny rocks regardless of its faults! I'll still come home after work and punch a few hours in and I'm not afraid to admit...I like helping other people out in a raid even if I've already done it. I can get lost in the world easily just by approaching someone and saying HEY NEED HELP?. It's bloody cool. Community keeps me playing. Even though I'm lvl 30 I'll always offer help when needed cause I believe it's better to let people in and get along rather than shut them out to face it alone...in my opinion. I relation to my post, it got me thinking why not follow up and do something to help. So I've started for the first time to create a group and the title is self explanatory Clan: honorable helpers Feel free to join! Psn: joelh84 Ps4 Thanks for listening!
How do you join clans? I'd be part of that!
Follow this link guardian https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/622072
Just joined :)
Yeah PS4. PSN is mawj25 will be on shortly. I've been wanting to do the raid for a while, but lack of contacts and very little knowledge of what actually happens in the vault has stopped me haha
I can help u out sometime
Awesome, thanks. Just added