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Edited by Dabsta: 12/18/2014 10:27:04 PM

What am I allowed to play with?

So...these forums are often flooded with "that's OP" and "Those are so Cheap, you must be a noob!" "Nerf because..." Blah Blah Blah, you get the picture. So guardians, what am I allowed to use? Primarys? Autos: The weapon of Noobs apparently, if I use even the worst of these I have no skill. Pulses: The weapon of Idiots, this gets outclassed by everything apparently, and only a fool (like myself) would use them! HCs: The toss up gun, if you use these it's cause they're too OP. Unless it's a garbage weapon, then your an idiot for using it. It's a lose lose. Scouts: The accepted gun? After the latest buff, Scout's stopped being talked about. Am I allowed to use these? Or am I Trash for considering using these in an predominantly CQB Crucible? Specials? No. You can't use any special weapon. You're a garbage player for considering any of the three. Especially Shotties and FRs. And also, especially Sniper Rifles. Other players can smell the garbage stank coming out of their TV's should anyone switch to a special weapon. Heavys? Don't use these either. They breed butthurt so fast, if you don't clench your sphincter nerf threads will ooze down your leg and into your pants. Did I get that right Guardians? Or am I missing something? Also, which scout rifles are OP or are not worth using? Cause, it's the only gun I'll be using for the next 10 years and I want to make sure I accommodate everyone while also not being Trash. Thanks for all your help! Edit: It has come to my attention, that Ninjas may be lurking in my thread. Reply at your own risk. Edit2: this thread looks like it's coming back from the dead! I'll start replying again if it keeps getting attention.

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  • I've read a few of these themed posts recently and come to the conclusion that it's not the weapons or the bullets or the supers or any thing like that, you should all just stop using your scrubby EYES, get em closed NOW you noobs.

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    11 Replies
    • No matter what is equipped players will cry and whine

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      3 Replies
      • In pretty sure any weapon with bullets is considered a "noob" gun. I think your only option is to run around yelling "they're over here, shoot em, quick!" But then team chat might become "OP," so...maybe just stand still.

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        • You're allowed to use your controller. Nothing else.

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          2 Replies
          • Rule #1 of online PvP. If it kills you, it's OP. If it doesn't kill you, it's because your mad skillz can't be beat.

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            4 Replies
            • Most people bitch and moan about weapons. From what I understand, You and your team are only allowed to play with two sticks and a rock, and your team has to share the rock. While, they can play with the same weapons they bitch about. Reasonable, right?

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              4 Replies
              • Lol no one talks crap about Raid Weapons

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                3 Replies
                • Edited by FIRE WRAITH 01: 11/22/2014 12:29:36 AM
                  Nope. Remember all melee is OP. Warlock: (sunsinger) You use burn on it?! OP NERF PWEAZE! Warlock: (Void Walker) You use bloom and make enemies explode damaging killing other nearby enemies?! OP NERF PWAESE! Titan: (Striker) OMG YOU USE SHOULDER CHARGE?! NERF NAOW! Titan (Defender) You use unbreakable and have damage resistance?! NOOB OP SKILL! REMOVE ITZ! Hunter: (gunslinger) Youse uses burn damage?! HUNTER OP NERF! Hunter: (bladedancer) You has backstab! You need to quit game! OP NERF!! To quote an old and quite awesome movie by the name of 'War Games', "The only winning move is not to play."

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                  3 Replies
                  • Edited by Ghost J34: 11/22/2014 4:38:26 PM
                    HCs, Scout and Pulse Rifles are acceptable. People complain about specials, especially fusions, because there are some people who get most, if not all, of their kills from them. Special weapons aren't very special when you're able to use them all game without penalty. Fusions need a range reduction or special ammo needs to become much more scarce. Snipers are for twats who camp a lane all day while they use their teammates as a buffer zone (rusted lands and shores of time). Machine guns are 100x more acceptable than rocket launchers, especially rocket launchers with tracking. If you use a rocket launcher, I automatically assume you're bad and will teabag you relentlessly every time I kill you.

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                    14 Replies
                    • my friend makes YouTube videos

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                      1 Reply
                      • Just crouch, point, wave, teabag, sit down or dance. Nothing is op about that stuff. Plus dance party at control point a is a blast. It's like a club there.

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                        • The correct answer was "your basic melee attack". Everything else is OP and noob territory.

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                          3 Replies
                          • In all honesty use whatever you want special ammo is not OP a shotgun would put 50 gunshot wounds in one shot, a fusion rifle would evaporate you and a snippet shot the head would also leave you fookkkeddd! Heavy weapons, an RPG would send you back to orbit ... A machine gun hits hard and quick ... So nothing wrong with that...

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                            1 Reply
                            • Well you can't use vision of confluence because that's the best scout rifle so that isn't allowed, and also multicass is out of the question because Xur was selling it, so anything else is allowed :))))

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                              3 Replies
                              • Rule of thumb: Every gun you kill me with is OP. Every gun I kill you with is fair and takes actual skill to use. If you kill me with the same gun I'm using; you were camping or had a better connection at the time.

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                                12 Replies
                                • Why would you even ask this?? You're only supposed to use your Melee. Oh, wait..........

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                                  2 Replies
                                  • Nothing. Melee is too over powered too. The way most people complain, you're supposed to stand there and let them kill you.

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                                    5 Replies
                                    • Edited by MeetingByChance: 11/23/2014 5:28:17 PM
                                      I'm going to be honest, if I'm not killed by only a primary weapon, I'm pissed.

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                                      1 Reply
                                      • Why not just use whatever you want to use?

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                                        2 Replies
                                        • Do what you want...can't be wrong then.

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                                          3 Replies
                                          • Edited by EntrePath: 11/23/2014 7:10:15 AM
                                            I love the people that are using this thread to push what they think is OP haha. Apparently, my friend, they didn't understand the message. When the post says, "I agree but I just think ____ should be nerfed because ______..." You don't really agree, and you are exactly who he is slandering with this post. Open your eyes, man.

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                                            1 Reply
                                            • Can't we all just get a bong. It would make people a lot more chill

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                                              12 Replies
                                              • Bad ju ju and super good advice for everyone. However, you can't upgrade them, only use stock.

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                                                1 Reply
                                                • [quote]So...these forums are often flooded with "that's OP" and "Those are so Cheap, you must be a noob!" "Nerf because..." Blah Blah Blah, you get the picture. So guardians, what am I allowed to use? Primarys? Auto's: The weapon of Noobs apparently, if I use even the worst of these I have no skill. Pulse's: The weapon of Idiots, this gets outclassed by everything apparently, and only a fool (like myself) would use them! HC's: The toss up gun, if you use these it's cause they're too OP. Unless it's a garbage weapon, then your an idiot for using it. It's a lose lose. Scout's: The accepted gun? After the latest buff, Scout's stopped being talked about. Am I allowed to use these? Or am I Trash for considering using these in an predominantly CQB Crucible? Special's? No. You can't use any special weapon. You're a garbage player for considering any of the three. Especially Shotties and FRs. And also, especially Sniper Rifles. Other players can smell the garbage stank coming out of their TV's should anyone switch to a special weapon. Heavy's? Don't use these either. They breed butthurt so fast, if you don't clench your sphincter nerf threads will ooze down your leg and into your pants. Did I get that right Guardians? Or am I missing something? Also, which scout rifles are OP or are not worth using? Cause, it's the only gun I'll be using for the next 10 years and I want to make sure I accommodate everyone while also not being Trash. Thanks for all your help! Edit: It has come to my attention, that Ninjas may be lurking in my thread. Reply at your own risk.[/quote]Personally I play with myself. I never score very high, but at the end I know I've won.

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                                                  8 Replies
                                                  • Can't melee either. Double melee scrubs need a nerf

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                                                    • I destroy people with my pulse rifle. Fair and square with the full auto perk and perfect balance.

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