It kills me knowing there's a possibility that 2 years from now, the thousands of hours I'll have on this game will be gone to waste because Bungie won't allow character transfer. I know you want it to be fair for new comers but come on... It could all be so simple.
For the campaign? There's already Normal, & Hard campaign mission modes. How about adding one more?? How it would work? Example.
Say Destiny 2 released tomorrow. The level 30s that would like to transfer their character over could play destiny 2s campaign on the legend difficulty which is level 28 or something. And the level 26s could play on heroic which is 24 and so on.
I, along with thousands of others have spent countless hours on the game. Just don't want that to go to waste. As far as the armor and weapons... I'm not sure lol. Surely the level cap should be a lot higher than 30. 60? Perhaps? Along with the ability to "prestige"? So many options you guys can explore. Just try to make it happen please. Love the game, in the midst of all its flaws. Still has great potential. Keep up the work.
(If you agree character transfer should be allowed BUMP this and hopefully deej can see)
Excuse the scatter brained thoughts. It's 2am and I can't sleep, and I have work in an hour lol. You guys understand what I'm pushing for. Character transfer, higher level cap.
Also, how do you guys feel about ranks or prestige ranks. Just throwing ideas out there
Prestige 1 = The Enlightened
Prestige 2 = ( idk lmao )
Prestige 3 = Legend
Ok lol I'm getting a lot of the same replies. Guys I want to know if my armor, weapons, abilities and such will fall over into destiny 2. At the end of destiny 1 we might reach level 40, or whatever. If my character transfers but all progress was lost ( faction ranks, vanguard / crucible, items, armor, weapons, abilities etc) are either not transferable or severely outdated then what's the point? That's what I want to know. My fault for not making that clear. "Character transfer" can simply mean your bald awoken hunter male is the character you play with in destiny 2. Who knows. Destiny has been quite misleading up to now.
Just so you know, Destiny is a 10 year project that will allow our Guardians to [i]Become Legend[/i]. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want us to depart from the characters we've just spent two years making special.. That would mean people stay on Destiny 1 and they'd lose half their fanbase instantly.. It makes more sense to have them transfer over (from a marketing perspective).